It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, November 25, 2019

Vincent Sanchez The Neighborhood Place nonprofit

 Vincent Sanchez is a very unstable individual teaching parenting classes. First of all he doesn't have a master's degree is not qualified to teach any classes. Secondly he's not apparent what does he have to offer these people? During his classes because I attended one by accident. It wasn't really an accident I was set up by my ex-husband and the Castro Brothers to go to this class. So that Vincent Sanchez could then say that I was unstable or well they probably had a whole list of objectives when they did this to me. During his class he kept walking around in circles announcing that the da Nico lahood was his close personal friends. He shared with the class that he struggled with substance abuse and that he should be in prison but Nicola Hood got him off I didn't have to go to jail. They've been close personal friends ever since nickel lahood manipulated the court systems. At that moment I realized why I was never able to get a PPO order against my ex-husband cuz this creeper who was a close personal friend of my ex-husband Gregory Marshall called up the district attorney and told him not to give me a PPO.
During the class I shared that I had been abused I'm physically be done during my marriage. I didn't know that Vincent Sanchez was a close personal friend of my ex-husband. During his class he started to talk stupid looking at everybody in the class and said why don't we get everybody together to beat him up promoting violence in his parenting class. He's a very strange individual. There was a lot more that was said and done during that class but those are the highlights.
Vincent Sanchez was chasing me all over the city as well. Terrorizing stalking and harassing do you think that makes for a good parenting teacher does that make for a good person to be teaching parenting classes.
The next class that he instructed I wasn't there but a friend of mine was who then told me everything he said during the class. He told the entire class that that woman that was there the week prior was crazy and nuts. He said that he was a close personal friend of my ex-husband and then he told all of them that I had physically beat on the man a blatant lie. He told the entire class I was crazy because I believed in Aliens and I constantly talked about aliens another lie. I might believe in the existence of aliens but I don't constantly talk about aliens I'm not obsessed. I don't think that makes anybody crazy if they believe that there's life out there in space I think it makes Vincent crazy if he doesn't think that there's life out there. I think it makes him narcissistic if he thinks we're the only things that exist in the universe. But you go ahead and live in your fantasy world honey you live closed off to all those possibilities and walk around calling other people crazy project your crap on the others go ahead I don't think anybody cares during that class he also shared that I had sent him a very long email explaining to him in detail all of the abuse I suffered and my children suffered during the marriage he shared it with everybody. I don't really care if you share it in fact I think that would benefit me. But you just showed every member of that class every one of your students that you claim to be helping but they can't trust you. You just showed them what you're doing to attack me and they will be reluctant to share anything with you knowing that if you shared my personal information you will do the same exact thing to them there's nothing stopping you you have no moral compass you proved it to the entire class. my children couldn't see me talk to me they couldn't receive the birthday cards I sent them in the mail the letters that I wrote them and sent them in the mail and you were aware of it and you're trying to convince these people you're going to help them stay connected to their children. You're showing all of those people that you're a hypocrite. The truth always comes out in the end Minton. Shirley Gonzalez councilwoman endorsed this nonprofit that he works for her name was all over it. The moment I started sending out statements about what happened to me because of the nonprofit and the moment I started to share with the entire city that Shirley Gonzales his name was all over it mysteriously her name disappeared. it's amazing you think nobody has copies of your name all over it and you endorsing it? that's how simple all these people are there's a common factor there's there's a commonality between all these people does anybody else see it do I have to point it out.
Vincent Sanchez is also guilty of fraud they were making up Flyers putting the neighborhood place on the Flyers trying to reel in mothers who needed legal assistance. phone number of the flyer was to the San Antonio fatherhood campaign. they knew that they were looking pretty bad at this point as I documented everything they did every crime they committed. They decided they were going to start to bring mothers in so that they weren't focused completely on and only on men because that was one of the things that I pointed out. No mother who is fighting against the father of her children was going to go to an organization called the fatherhood program or the fatherhood campaign. Anybody with any sense who met their attorney Tamer Morsi would be able to tell right away that he was Loose Cannon and he would not be out for the mother's best interest that's not how he operate enjoy breaking the law

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