It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Officer Garcia and Mr. B owner of Kangaroo court

Mr. B had agreed to attack me and play in this game when I worked for him when I was forced to the streets he continued to attack. 
I was charging my phone and this is a public place open to the public. Officers were called but it was McManus that instructed them and the staff of the Mayor. As they were putting this plan in action they continuously were calling Mr. B to make sure he was on board with this. I was arrested and taken to the substation and they still had not gotten him on the phone. They are not suppose to do all this unless the owner of the property is the one calling. It is open to the public and I am a member of the public. Unless you have formerly told someone they are not welcome and can not be on the property then you do not have a case for criminal trespassing. 
Garcia did not even ID me and when he was walking me down commerce street he started screaming where is your ID you need to ID yourself. I was in handcuffs people how the heck was I going to do that? I started to respond to him and then he was screaming "Failure to ID", "You are guilty of failure to ID". NO I AM NOT FAT PERSON. It is all on the coban recording system. Unless of course the lovely SGT. Lopez deleted it. That is the IA officer who told me loud that if he wants coban recordings to disappear they do. He made the statement Coban Recording malfunction all the Time. He then said that the system isn't perfect and they don't always do the job they were designed to do.  
There is a lot more to the Garcia story. That is when I was denied Veteran's court and that happened twice. The female magistrate knew what was happening and she looked in my eyes and said "Good luck to you!". 
I was told I was not allowed to speak to the magistrate not one word. That was a lie told by dirty officers. The second time I had to do this I went in front of a male magistrate he was a demon. That was Oct. 2018. When I was put in jail this month it was a blessing in disguise. Hillary had some devious plans for me. 

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