It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Minion 0 9 0 2

 this evening there's been a pickup truck driving past over and over again and it looks a lot like pickup truck 0 9 0 2. I've had a lot of problems with this man over the years in fact it was when I came back to San Antonio from Waco that he was all over me and apparently he still is. After I got off the bus he showed up at a Burger King held up his hands and expected me to walk over and get into his pickup truck no thank you. He continued to follow me all over the city terrorizing me. Every time I went to my gym which was LA Fitness. He would mysteriously show up. At the time I assumed that they were accessing the computer system and every time I scanned my card they would know that I was there. With the way that they abused networks and computer systems why wouldn't I think that? What was actually happening was there was an employee named Jimmy call 0902 and tell him I was at the gym. 090 to would show up to the gym come in and be a creeper a disgusting creeper. As he was following me all over the city he would bring his child along. At one point his child was literally hanging out the window saying there she is. Makes it pretty obvious that his child new what his father was doing. That's a great way to teach your child about stalking and harassing and make him think it is okay. And we wonder why we have so many criminals and sociopaths so many people dying after being stalked and harassed. Obviously it's wonderful parents teaching children that it's okay there's nothing okay about it. You're raising a criminal because your criminal actions are an example. There's so many things wrong with this in so many different levels. And because he is a part-time father it makes me believe that he is a member of the San Antonio fatherhood campaign all of their clients are highly dysfunctional to put it mildly. There's a long list of things that 0902 and I have faith and confidence that it's all going to be listed in the Mueller probe report

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