It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Janet and Donald Neering

When I child goes missing generally speaking parents put out flyers and make phone calls to find out if their child is OK and /or alive. Not my Parents they were talking to the Demon Gregory Marshall the man that spent 10 years beating on me and my children. The man that was poisoning my food and drink trying to kill me and my children I was pregnant with.
As I am forced to be on the streets going sometimes 17 days without food, verbally accosted, physically assaulted, walking 20 miles a day begging for mercy begging for help my parents listen to lies being told to them by Gregory Marshall and the Castro Brothers. I would not be one bit surprised if Hillary Clinton had contacted them.
I send snail mail I sent emails I send facebook messages trying to stay connected to my parents and I am ignored. I was silly and foolish enough to think they might actually be concerned about my well being and the well being of their grand children and it is quite obvious they don't give two shakes of a stick how we are and the fact that we are being tortured by foreign agents, dirty politicians and psychopath has our children trapped in abuse brain washing them beating on them and poisoning them. 
All of you who have loving parents that care about you, don't take it for granted because I never had that. They have not even made a phone call to see if I am OK they just don't care.
My Brother did the exact same thing and his sick wife. Jackie Neering a mentally unstable woman who is abusive to her family it is not surprising that she would join in torturing someone. I am surprised and disappointed in my brother that he was talking to Gregory Marshall the entire time after I left him and when he was instructed the various ways he could and should attack me, he did just that. My niece Candice Neering was snapping at me on Facebook attacking as if I had done something wrong to her. She was receiving message on Facebook she thought was from me and she was too clueless to recognize it was all fake and it was never me. She has decided that I have done and said things that I never have done and said. When Gregory Marshall lied to all of them and said that I was hooked on drugs and an alcoholic they were daft enough to believe without ever confirming the lies they were being told. When dirty politicians joined in with the lies they all treated me like I was a monster.
I don't ever want anything to do with any of these people.
How could someone participate in the torture of their own flesh and blood they are all very sick people.
I have nothing nice to say of my family they are traders to our nation and they are sick people who turn on their own family to do dirty politicians favors.

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