It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, November 26, 2019


So many people are guilty of abusing this passage. When I hear somebody telling me that they do not judge It's upsetting. It should be upsetting to anybody who this is said to. The statement in itself is a statement of judgment. They are attempting to belittle you they are attempting to shame you into submission. They are trying to coerce you into being passive. A passive way of life is dangerous. We judge others we judge and assess scenes for our own safety. We judge whether or not somebody is safe to be around. We judge a neighborhood in an effort to know whether or not it's safe to enter. We judge our children's friends to know whether or not they are good or bad influence. We judge whether or not a playground is safe for our children we judge all day long and we should. I had a foreign agent who infiltrated my family say to me I don't judge others I'm not judgmental. First of all yes you are we all are. I looked at her and said let's be non-judgmental today together and have Jeffrey Dahmer over for dinner. Well if you're not judging anybody I do not going to judge him for his crimes or the way that he lives life then having him over for dinner shouldn't be that big of a deal. She snapped at me and said that's not what I meant you just said that you're non-judgmental obviously that's what you meant. That's judgment. She's been instructing other foreign agents in minions to say the very same thing to me and they're dumb enough to do it. And it upsets me every time until I remind myself that they're not smart enough to understand judgment and why it's necessary to live one day to the next without pain and suffering.
Here's something that I did not ever think to judge until Julian Castro made it a requirement. I didn't know I was supposed to look at tattoos and judge people according to the tattoos but they had. Julian Castro was mayor and he made new standards for daycare providers. He basically gave a new block of instruction for all of us if we had a gang member in our daycare and we were caring for their children he was going to shut down our daycare. This is our livelihood and how we take care of family so as you can imagine that scare all of us. I had a lot of questions how the heck was I going to know that I had a gang member that was a member of my daycare? So the block of instruction that we received was to read their tattoos and judge them. My question is what happens if I read it wrong I don't know anything about this. Reading tattoos and judging tattoos was never a part of my life and I don't think it's a part of most daycare providers live that's not a part of our world. What if I get somebody in and I read a tattoo and they used to be a gang member but they no longer are a gang member and they couldn't afford to have it removed or covered up? At what point does this become discrimination and I'm discriminating against the children of these gang members who have nothing to do with what Mom and Dad have chosen for their lives? Is discrimination legal and isn't that what he was instructing us to do to discriminate? Want to talk about being non-judgemental I never judge somebody cording to tattoos until Julian Castro instructed me that I had to. Point in fact the instructions scared the heck out of me because we were given details about gangs and the horrific crime that they were committing. we were told to be afraid of people with certain tattoos and from that day forth I became afraid of almost all tattoos thanks Julian for scaring me for life. I wonder if that's still a part of the policy of daycare providers does the city still maintain what Julian Castro put into play about judgement I mean discrimination? I'm curious to know but I'm not in a position to be able to go look it up. Perhaps all of you my readers would like to go look at the standards and the policies of daycare providers here in San Antonio what does it say regarding this discrimination

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