It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Chief William McManus

 It's no secret that he's not very smart there's going to be such a long list of things he's done and said proving that there's just not much in that head. He's done the same thing to his family that the mayor has they will suffer Devastation 2 they will be embarrassed he has three children. Three children that will be judge for the crimes that he committed including the embezzlement of the pension fund. He cheated on his wife with judge Patterson, she stayed with him.
The picture and video you see of Chief McManus laughing while he was Marching In the Veterans Day Parade! He was laughing after he turned to the mayor and said she believes in Aliens. You thought that I looked up at the sky at the satellite that you're using to watch me and I thought it was an alien ship? Why would I think that? Are you really that stupid. And to answer your question yes I believe in aliens I don't just believe I know. The fact that you don't believe in aliens or know that they exist just another example of how simple your little minded. That's right McManus Jimmy Carter and I both believe that they are aliens otherwise it's quite a waste of space now isn't it. You can go ahead and put me in the category of Jimmy Carter I don't mind thank you. You're like a child a bully you're a bully in school won't you?
All of those messages that you were sending out to your dirty police officers and the criminals were helping you to attack me where recorded they were all being watched by investigators they will be brought into a court of law. A little insight to what you will be seeing in a court of law is what a pervert this man is. Instructing criminals and dirty police officers to try to get in my pants various things to say to me. Picking out the type that he thought I would fall for instructing them to read a Bible while I set near me. I'm not that easy but apparently you are was Judge Patterson reading a Bible when you decided to sleep with her and cheat on your wife? Apparently you're that easy and you're judging the rest of the world according to your own standards and lack of morals. Those vows that you took didn't mean anything just like the oath you took when you became the chief of police just words they mean nothing.
Another example to prove how small the mind is of our chief of police. He parked his police cruiser outside of his home advertising to everybody where he lives. He's endangering the lives of his entire family and his neighbors 2. Think about how many enemies the chief of police would have in a city that has a population of 1.6 million. Does anybody find it smart to advertise where you live taking your police cruiser home with you everyday I'm parking it right there on the street in front of your house advertising to all criminals if you want revenge here I am come get me come get my family that's really stupid. If that's not bad enough he puts his kids in that police cruiser and drives them to school every morning once again advertising which school his children go to the private school the most expensive one in the city. And by the way after you are frog walked out of your house by the FBI your family will no longer be able to afford the most expensive School in the city. And if they have to go to a public school try to imagine how they will be judged for your crimes try to imagine they will be surrounded by children whose parents were put away but you. Do you think about anybody else but yourself look at how you've endangered your children and your wife look at how you ruined their lives. You think that I'm dumb? Are you judging me from where you live? You must be because every detail about you and what you do is idiotic. Who was it that convinced you so easily that you were not being investigated by our intelligence agencies while you colluded with foreign agents how can anybody be so stupid? You are in charge of more than 3,000 police officers and every time any of us ever see you is when you're chasing down a camera get yourself on TV. Oh there's another story.
Remember the bombs that were being found in the city of Austin. The chief of police of Austin was on the TV nationally 4 weeks. Chief McManus became so jealous and upset that he was not in the spotlight that he got on national news and announced they found a bomb in San Antonio. He lied there was no bomb in San Antonio this is how desperate he was to be in the spotlight and to get in front of cameras. Very quietly he issued an apology that there was never a bomb in San Antonio. How embarrassing. Another story
260 victims of assault and rape and other crimes we're never investigated. It's not that they weren't investigated properly they were thrown under the rug and no investigation happened. Chief McManus and Sheryl sculley delivered an apology publicly. How does your stupid apology help all of those victims get Justice? You people thought I was making up how stupid he is I could sit here for the rest of the week telling you stories proof there is nothing in that head. To this day those people still do not have just it's nothing has been done and the detectives that did this that's right there still on the force. It wasn't just Chief McManus is it Sheryl Scully did this to.

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