It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, November 25, 2019

Latrenda Barnes coworker who became a roommate

Latrenda Barnes was my co-worker and I got along with her very well we became close. After Christmas she begged me to move in with her she was fighting with her husband and she kicked him out. She had convinced me that she was a victim of abuse. She told me of an incident where she had to go to the hospital because he had choked her. I asked her why the doctor didn't call the police why there wasn't a police report I became upset with the doctor and everything you had done. I began to stand up for my friend to protect her calling the doctor. I am so glad the doctor did not answer the phone my guardian angel tried to stop me. I didn't understand why it didn't take long before I realized she was a liar she was not a victim of domestic violence she was the one cheating on her husband and you didn't choke her you simply pushed her off in him while she was beating on his head.
It didn't take long before I figured out latrenda Barnes was no friend she was talking to my ex-husband the Castro brothers and she shared that she was friends with Chief McManus. Before I finally moved out of her house and got away from the craziness she's the one that shared all of the details about the fact that he's a criminal and he's dirty. She's the one that shared with me that he had a mistress judge Patterson. There was a lot of other details that she gave me. I believe they were communicating on Facebook. He gave her a block of instruction of various things to do to me. One particular evening she was screaming and yelling at me telling me that my former roommate showed up outside. She said they were yelling and screaming looking for me hunting me down. They claim that I owe them money. When I asked her what the their names were and what they were driving she was wrong about the names and she was wrong about the vehicles that they own it was all a made-up lie. At one point in time latrenda Barnes was screaming at me telling me that I was strung out on crack I don't even know what that crap looks like. She was yelling in front of her children that she knows what she's talking about because she used to be a drug dealer. What kind of a mother would announce that front of her children. Speaking of her children she was extremely abusive constantly leaving them alone in the house. She continuously told the story about how her son was having seizures as a baby because he had suffered shaken baby syndrome. It didn't take long for me to figure out who caused that syndrome. She accused the father. That was a lie. Latrenda has no patience and if her son was crying too much I can see how she would pick him up and Shake him. There's a lot more to this Story 2. I worked with her too so she was walking around my place of employment spreading why rumors she was telling everybody that I wasn't paying rent I paid her rent I paid more than I should have paid and I used to fill her house with groceries as well. It didn't matter how much money I gave her she would walk around Superior health insurance telling everybody that I never paid any rent it was a blatant lie. She also was talking to my supervisor telling her that I had a contagious condition. My condition is not contagious and never gave it to anybody. I lived with Beverly Garcia for a long time and her and I used to sit in my bed together watching movies never once was she infected with my condition. Latrenda Barnes is a monster

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