It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Stone Oak Chiropractic

Long story hard to tell. I had a long history in the medical industry I started when I was 17 years old and even though I only became an LPN I should have been able to see what was happening to be based on my vast experience alone. I was becoming very ill I couldn’t move there were days I was unable to dress myself. My neck hurt so badly I sometimes couldn’t turn my head. My arm hurt has it has been hurting recently. I thought my back was out of place and I needed alignment. My mother had been seeing Chiropractors for years I was well versed in that area of medicine and I believed in the treatment. I was seeing a chiropractor in Bulverde a couple times when I went to him he told it was going to hurt and I said it was my own fault because I waited so long to come see him. He said thank you I didn’t want to say it LOL great guy. He started to look at me with that look he could see that something was happening behind closed doors causing this problem. I just chalked it up as him seeing the physical and emotional abuse did he see the toxins in my system?
So I searched for a Stone Oak Chiropractor. I needed to be able to function and run my daycare it was the only source of income for my family. 
I went to Stone Oak Chiropractic and long story short she took the ex-rays and explained how her practice was different and asked me to watch you tube videos I liked it and it is very different. We sat together with these ex-rays and her micro expressions alone told me but my ability to read the ex-rays was the clincher I saw it I knew…What did I see? My back was not out of alignment. It helped and I kept going I was plagued with WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?  Did she see what was happening it must of crossed her mind I mentally off balance and it sure was going through my mind. My ex-husband kept saying it to me over and over again statements like this: Your stupid. Your ugly no one will want you. You insane you need meds. The only reason anyone hits on you is because you dress like a slut, (I was wearing a t-shirt and pair of shorts not short shorts the kind with spandex to the knee) You are bipolar. When any sane and well balanced person hears this repetitively it starts to get in, eventually they start to question themselves. I was questioning myself I said “Insane people don’t now they are insane, Maybe!”. So I went to find out. He kept telling me I needed meds I went to Dr. Reardon told him the story. He said “You don’t need meds you have situational depression get a divorce and you will be well again”. Smart and awesome Doctor I knew what I had to do. 
My husband started screaming at me one day as he did and he said this stupid thing, “Why aren’t you taking the meds the doctor gave you?” No doctor ever gave me meds and at that point I had been to many verifying the insane crap out of my husband’s fat mouth. 
With that he became enraged and I was physically punished because his devious little plan wasn’t working. 
You see Gregory Marshall has such a severe case of NPD that he truly believes he can out smart doctors and convince them and his wife that insanity exists in me that is his to own alone.
I analysed my situation heavily with help from CBC and other counselors and decided that depression causes people physical pain and due to the extreme emotional, mental, verbal, physical, and sexual abuse I believed that it was psychosomatic and I maybe causing my pain with my attempts to deal with and survive the abuse. I was wrong again. Actually my back was out and I really could not move but it wasn’t going to show up on an ex-ray. It was intramuscular and neurological. Did the doctors see he was drugging me? He was trying to kill his wife. It started right after I gave birth to Aadyan. That’s the very beginning of I do. 
Maybe on a subconscious level I knew and it was easier to lie to myself than except the reality of sick the father of my children is.
Why would someone do this he use to walk around telling people I was sick and my muscles were always sore and I had difficulty moving. I wasn’t even sick he was lying to people. Clearly he was bent on making it happen. It was what he wanted his life to look like the life he wanted to be married to a hospital bed. It went from a wish of being married to a special needs wife to the point of trying to kill me. He is recreating his child hood people he is dancing the dance of his parents life together. He is trying to do it all over again reliving that over and over again his comfort zone.
Lois his mother was always sick. My mother said that she was sick before she married Gregory Marshall senior. My mother said when they were teenager Lois would get home from school and lay on a sofa saying “oh I don’t feel well”. Was she really sick, or was it an attempt for attention? Did she convince herself she was sick or did she need a way to gain her narcissistic supply? A smart young man told me that beautiful people are more prone to bipolar disease because they are accustom to be treated a certain way based on physical appearance if that dries up they can not function. Gregory Marshall senior an alcoholic and he cheated on his wife constantly. Gregory Junior is doing all the same things. Gregory senior may have been drugging Lois as well no one knows. She was diagnosed with Lupis and later it was found to be a false diagnosis she never had it at all and she was being medicated her entire life. The medications caused heart problems she went through more than one heart surgery and that is what killed her. Weighing 423 Ibs didn’t help. Being a bully mean and nasty to people doesn’t help the heart either. Take a look see if you can see the very sick Gregory Marshall attempting to recreate his childhood in his adulthood? 
Of course when we see these things in others we have to turn it to our selves and own a percentage of the revaluation. YES I will own it when married to him and when I struggle and crawl through my current adversity some of my history repeats itself. Awareness is the first step towards real change perhaps some of you would like to dance the dance of change with me. 
Let’s be brutally honest that so many members of our government are as sick as Gregory Marshall let’s stand together to make our government healthy and functional together.
Let’s all pray together e wait for the ants to assemble and come together the grasshoppers are out of control take my hand as we save our nation for all our babies they are worth it and yes I will give my life I am risking it all because my babies are worth it and your babies are worth it.

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