It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Trinity Baptist Church


Trinity Baptist Church
This morning July 5th I had to leave the San Pedro Library and when I arrived t the Trinity Baptist Church there was a dirty SAPD officer stalking me and circling. About 30 minutes after he notified who ever where I was there was a SAPD helicopter and a couple of planes. The Library at the Gardens was full all the computers were occupied so I couldn’t send anymore emails. 
Oh I forgot I was at Catholic Charities and someone called to talk to Richard wishful thinking maybe or someone doing their job perhaps?  

I was just at Trinity Baptist Church where I was accosted because I sent sent emails explaining how their employees were apart of this conspiracy to attack me. I was trying to inform them that it would hurt their reputations because of what this employee did. Mark asked what her name is and I told him I do not know her name I do not have to keep collecting this information because the agents are doing it for me. Then he said she never received a call or text or anything else telling her not to service one individual. The receptionist told me they were upset. Mark has all the psychological warfare techniques down he is telling me that if I don’t submit to the lie that he is shoving down my throat that I am no longer aloud assistance and I will be banned from the property, no longer aloud to step foot at the church. I’ll tell you one more time Mark all this is going to be in the Mueller report he could not even say Mueller properly he said meiller. I tried to inform these people of what is happening under their noses and I am attacked. He was trying to get me to admit or submit to the fact she did not deny me lunch because she was told to do so. When I explained to him that if I was wrong the agents would not have allowed those emails to leave my mail box he couldn’t listen to common sense. Mark was accusing me of being crazy he was nasty condescending and ridiculing me when he saw my blog listing obnoxiously what was on the blog. He then accused me of coming from alpha home a drug rehab home. Of course I must be on drugs and crazy just because their church is guilty of collusion and obstruction of justice. I informed him that the investigating agents have all the communications between my enemies and his staff member. I told him I only needed to create a riff once and she would be calling the people that put her up to it(Castro Brothers). He looked at me with anger and a strange sense of confidence. He said no one made a phone call to anyone. How is he so pretentious to think he knows the phone calls and text messages being sent out in people’s personnel phones? Amazing he said “Well she would tell me”. Wow you have a an awaking coming about how people lie to your face I am the one telling you the truth. He kept telling me over and over again that it was a coincidence that they were out of lunches, OK Mark why was I told ahead of time that this going to happen to me before I got here. This man is exactly like my attackers he said if I couldn’t agree with his lie that their was no collusion with the staff at the church then i will no longer be allowed to go to the church for service or lunches. He insisted that I need to rebuke everything I said he accused me of threatening them I never threatened anyone. I told the truth it will be in the Mueller report and it will taint their reputation. This man brought a witness with him when he was threatening me and he is telling me  am not allowed to send anymore emails. Wow a church taking away someone’s freedom of speech because they didn’t like what I had to say. That is not love of our God that is an attempt to control and manipulate he refused to allow me to have my own opinion about the events that accrued. If I don’t say that it is not collusion and she didn’t do it on purpose I am not allowed back fine I will not go back that is the worst and most vivid vain displays of power and glory I have ever seen. I went there two days ago or so and the woman who did this pulled out of the parking lot laughing this isn’t funny you have caused this church serious problems and you lied to their faces and the agents have your communications. MARK KEEP SAYING OVER AND OVER AGAIN THAT I WAS BEING CONTENTIOUS!! MARK IS THE ONE VIOLATING MY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS AND TELL ME I HAVE NO RIGHT TO SPEAK TRUTH HE WAS JUDGING ME TELLING ME MY BLOG IS FULL OF PLATES PLANES AND PEOPLE AT STARBUCKS. SO? YOUR POINT? YOUR A PIECE OF WORK. 

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