It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Joaquin Castro

Take a good look at all of the questions that Joaquin Castro is asking of Congress he's guilty of every one of those crimes as he asked our government if it's against the law obviously he has to check with Congress and every member of our government to see if it's against the law because you have broken every one of these laws you are guilty of everything you just ask them about .  You've tried to kill me you've tortured me you sent men to rape me assault me to get me in bed and take pictures of me indisposed and you actually ended up with pictures or a video claiming that it was me sending it out on Facebook everybody hey Joaquin is that against the law yes it most certainly is it's called Stephanie's law it's against the law stupid Trevor's right you're looking for legal advice because your dumb ass keeps breaking all these laws and you think you're getting away with it you think nobody knows you think nobody's watching you you think our intelligence agencies can't see what you're doing you're stupid enough to think you're not going to prison well I got news for you you are most certainly going to prison. I told President Trump two years ago he's well aware of what you've been doing and if he doesn't want to listen to your mouth run then he should have brought you to Justice a long time ago you should have been indicted for your crimes you should have been removed from office but apparently he likes hearing you run your mouth asking people if it's illegal to do all the things that you have been doing and continue to do . Hayward King Castro is it against the law to collude with foreign agents attacking our democracy is that against the law . How about when I get a court appointed attorney and you and your dumb brother are on the phone with her manipulating my case and manipulating  the legal representation that I get ? Is that against the law Joaquin? Is it against the law to keep my three children trapped in abuse removing the police reports that would have saved them from that abuse having them deleted making phone 

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