It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Behavioral Health and dirty officers

Dirty criminal officers are showing up at the Starbucks on McCullough because they have every intention of grabbing me and throwing me in Behavioral Health once again. I've never held for very long because there is simply nothing wrong with me. They always take me to Southwest General even though I request other hospitals like for example the Veterans Administration hospital because I'm a veteran. I'm never taken there. I'm going to sit right here and low these criminal officers to take me in for no good reason so that I can watch more police officers go to prison. And the $3,000 that it cost each and every time that I'm taking in unlawfully to behavioral health the mayor and chief McManus will be paying out of their own accounts. How do you think the San Antonio taxpayers are going to feel about you wasting their tax dollars attacking an innocent mother who does not need Behavioral Health. It's my guess they're not going to be very happy. There's a lot of other Miss allocation of funds a lot of other wasting city tax dollars. It's my hope and dream did all of this waste that they are guilty of will drain their personal bank accounts. I'm waiting send some more idiots I'll sit right here waiting for them to break the law and dig themselves into prison

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