It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The original mexican restaurant

The original mexican restaurant is another business that you will watch clothes when the Mueller probe concludes. I have no idea if mr. B as a foreign agent but he most certainly is colluding with foreign agents. In 2016 I took a position as a server at the original Mexican restaurant. A block of instruction was given by Chief McManus Gregory Marshall and the Castro Brothers to have all the employees Tak me during my employment with them. Many times I didn't get a paycheck I got excuses as to why it didn't show up and payroll those were small paychecks compared to the tips that we received. Many times I would work for hours and not receive one single table to radon they were playing games with me. I didn't care I was so happy to be employed I didn't care about their stupid games and I made the most horrible such a had a horrible work environment.
The original mexican restaurant has extremely bad dysfunctional Plumbing many days the bathrooms were backed up to the point where there with soiled water coming down onto the restaurant floors. This would cause any other restaurant to be shut down the health inspector apparently takes money instead of actually doing their job.
There's a policy at the original mexican restaurant when you pick up a drink there's a tag attached to print up from the register you have to take the tag with you and if you leave it there you can be fired for this. The reason for the policy is because they were making extra drinks and there was a lot of waste. I always took my tag with me however the little bartenders were helping to attack me they would take the tag out of the garbage or they would print up a second one claiming that I didn't take my tag with me. Obviously that was a lie and I had to argue with managers.
Members of San Antonio fatherhood campaign were sent into the restaurant and mysteriously I became their server they were always sat in to my section. One particular fatherhood remember his name is Joe Garza he brought a minor with him to the restaurant and tried to get me to serve the minor alcohol. I took a picture of his license the receipt because he gave that minor alcohol I did not Joe Garza today I was trying to frame me for that I'm not going to jail for that. All of that was given to the FBI to that was a part of the Comey headed investigation. Whether or not they were able to dive into that before Trump fired him I don't know.
There was this young couple that came in from Dallas and they were absolutely blitzed they were too drunk to receive any more drinks. They asked me to serve them and I told them that I could not not lawfully they had had too much to drink and it was time to stop. Michaela with the manager and 18 year old young lady I didn't have enough of life experience to be a manager of a restaurant. She told me they said they were just tired because they had just arrived from Dallas. She believed their lie and she served them more alcohol. When those two individuals walked out of the original mexican restaurant they were stumbling barely walking the young lady fell into the river that's how drunk she was. Two employees of a neighboring bar caught her. Then they came to original to tell us. Why do you think they did that? Because we are responsible. And my name was on there bill however McCaleb is the one who served them the last drinks.
While I was working at the original people used to show up across the river taking pictures of you a lot of pictures it was very upsetting and annoying. That's when they started to play games with my phone constantly sending in notifications that's when I became acclimated to all of the phone hacking and became accustomed to what what's happening to the phone and the messages that I was accustomed to receiving. During the end of my employment there were minions pervert members of the San Antonio fatherhood campaign and Friends of dirty police officers in the restaurant every night. My co-workers and the hostess we're well aware of what was happening and they always made sure that these Predators ended up in my section and I had to serve them. As you can imagine they did not tip.
There was a setup in the restaurant a woman came in the Busboys spilled salsa on her purse it was in my section she was my customer and the two managers that were working tried to blame me for it. These were children blaming me so as you can imagine I put my foot down I demanded they go to the cameras. The woman demanded to have her purse cleaned and she should have she also explained to them that it wasn't me and even after the customer said that it wasn't me that spilled on her purse these two little bully managers Megan and Michaela still try to put the blame on me. While we were watching the camera Michaela thought she was so clever not to rewind it far enough I had to take control of the camera and Rewind it all the way to where my customer had salsa spilled all over her purse. It was the bus boy who is dating the Kayla's sister. He wasn't reprimanded he wasn't written up and he did not lose his job. And all of those things should have happened. Michaela was finally learning that I was going to put up with her b******* and she wasn't going to win her game.
There are many other stories just like this that happened to me at the original mexican restaurant and I'm pretty sure all of them have been documented in detail and will be included in the Mueller probe Chief McManus is a child

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