It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, November 10, 2019


I noticed this entire weekend and entire month that many ETI taxi and limousines have been participating and gang stalking. I went to work for ETI taxi in February of 2018. The owner of ichi I was contacted by my enemies at this point it was Christopher Wray FBI director Masco Heather and CIA Brad also the Castro Brothers Chief McManus the whole crew. They were asked if they would manipulate my employment to help attack me. They did a lot in a very short time of. I'll just sum it up. Every time I would pay my lease the payment would not show I was being charged more lease than any other Taxi Driver. Even when the lease was paid up I was listed as being non-paid. The dispatchers were told not to give me any jobs so that I wouldn't make an adequate amount of income to support myself. They were trying to set me up for failure and various ways Mike the owner of ETI taxi would give me at the worst taxis he had they were always breaking down. One particular taxi I was driving I had the air conditioner go out because it wasn't very hot out I continue to drive it because having it replaced with an all-day experience. Many taxis at ETI limousine are inadequate have you driven on the roads he does not keep them in good repair. I was told to take that limousine and immediately because they planned on having me pulled over and ticketed for not having a functional air conditioner which would it taken away my chauffeur's license. Even though it is not my duty to keep these vehicles and good repair.
Mike had an account with task us. He would drive employees from the Tobin parking garage 2 taskus location. There was two taxis driving these employee limousines would show up to take them to lunch everyday. It was a big of count this particular company is known for having foreign agents employed. That would explain one of the reasons he had the account. My enemies were planning accident while I was working the account. One particular accident that was planned I happen to miss that day of work because the office employees gave a vague message of whether or not I had to be there. I ended up not being there that day believing that they already had it covered. A woman who looks very similar to me named Angela was driving and she was driving one of the newer taxis. She was in an accident that was meant for me there was a passenger in that vehicle too and there was much damage. The employee that was in the back of the taxi went to therapy at a chiropractor for 3 months. The accident was planned out by Dirty police officers in foreign agents. Mike was very upset to learn that it wasn't me involved in the accident he called me yelling at me telling me that I was irresponsible for not being there. It was a misunderstanding with his staff. But what is not misunderstood is the fact that this man was willing to have his taxis involved in an accident endangering the lives of his passengers. It's not just a matter of ethics very illegal. They planned it again and this time I was at work a man ran a red light in front of me I barely touched his vehicle and there was no damage to the taxi it was a scuff mark on a bumper that with it. Nobody counted on the fact that I'm a good driver. And I foiled their plants. Because it was a fender bender and nothing was actually bent the policy and procedure in every state is to exchange information and go and file a police report at your convenience for insurance purposes only. The man that they got to create this accident had no valid driver's license. He only had a state ID from the state of Minnesota the vehicle was not his. I took all of his information and took pictures of his insurance took pictures of his driver's license reported everything to dispatch. my passenger reported everything to her supervisor nobody was injured. I did everything that needed to be done and I did it appropriately. Yet every staff member in the office and Mike the owner attacked me as if it were my fault that the man had no valid driver's license it was the most ridiculous thing I ever experienced in my life watching his business clothes is going to be one of the Glorious Days of My Life.
One particular day I decided to go for a walk on the Riverwalk of course the things that were being done to me or upsetting walking helps. I parked at a restaurant Awesome Brooklyn and then took a walk down the river walk. My enemies showed up to tamper with the taxi they loosen the brakes and I believe they loosened every one of them on that Taxi. They were being watched as they did this everything was being recorded and documented and will be brought into a court of law. I had to drive that taxi with the very loud brakes metal on metal after they loosened the brakes it sounded as if they remove the pads all together. That would be too much work I'm sure they just loosened the Breaks.
Also while driving for ETI taxi my enemies were putting people in my taxi purposely it started with people trying to stiff me out of a large fairs and some of them got away with it too. There was three teenagers that said they needed a ride from a party to their home they jumped out of the taxi and ran before pain and their parents will be told.
 more times than not there was perverts getting in my taxi they were in the back of my taxi playing with themselves being vulgar I've seen and obvious about it as well I did my best to ignore it and get them to their destination as fast as possible. There is several foreign agents working for Mike and I don't think Mike has no will purposes in her country either.
During my employment with Mike I was threatened and told that I was going to be killed so I was hiding I would find parking lots to hide in and park the taxi. Of course I believe these threats after being locked in my house with police officer trying to kill me and then when I was on the streets there was several people trying to kill me including tattoo who drives the white pickup truck. Mike and his employees started to threaten me and tell me that anytime I left the city I had to report in what a ridiculous notion a taxi driver that has to report in and get permission to leave the city how would any taxi driver make any money whatsoever no policy or procedure exist. Mike said that he needed at all times I gave him the phone number of office of Christopher Dech.  I gave Mike only the information that he needed concerning the fact that the FBI and the NSA were doing an investigation. I informed Mike that Christopher newer I was 24 hours a day 7 days a week if you needed to know where I was. I am formed Mike the investigators were watching everything. Christopher and the investigators talked to Mike and asked him to cooperate with the investigation which he began to do to. to get my enemies to leave me alone most expecially my obnoxious ex-husband I was telling them if they continue to manipulate my employment and Mike's business that he would have a major lawsuit against him. I was yelling I was very upset telling them that I could sue that man for millions of dollars. The truth of the matter is I can and I will his business will shut down. my ex-husband recorded this unlawfully because it's not even lawful for him to be in my phone it most certainly is not lawful for him to be recording phone conversations and when I'm simply talking aloud in front of the phone it should not be recording either. After Mike got that recorded message and I tried to explain it to him that it was Art of War he became nervous that I might actually Sue he stopped cooperating with investigators very stupid thing to do. And now Mike is cooperating with foreign agents dirty City officials dirty police officers Hillary and Obama and his business will be shut down and he will be exiled from our country goodbye Mike

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