It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Texas Lawman Security

Huge problems i have had with this security company. When I worked at Superior Health Insurance they had an actual account with them. They were chasing me down and gave the most nasty dirty looks everyday all day. I had no idea what their problems were but now I know they are special friends of Castro's and Gregory Marshall. (foreign agents). They have continued to stalk and harass me and just last week they were trespassing at a bank they do not have an account with just to stalk harass and terrorize me. Suing? Ya you betcha Baby I am closing this place down you want to collude with foreign agents you want to employee foreign agents? I think I stand with most Americans when I say get the hell out. Can you believe it when I would walk through the parking garage of Superior Health they would put their hands on their weapons. My ex-husband was stalking and harassing me at Superior Health Care and these animals are being paid to keep that place safe and secure they are paid to deal with suspicious behavior I had police officers at Superior twice telling them what was happening I should have been able to count on the unstable security officers however they were attacking me as a favor to the Castro's and Gregory Marshall. Police Officers in that area told me I needed to call them immediately when I saw the ex-husband and his friends the member of Gonzalez Lawncare. My rebuff to them was by the time they were able to respond he would be gone. They agreed that was an issue. I did get pictures of this activity and mysteriously those pictures disappeared. When several senators sent faxes to the Chief's office he fried my phone so there goes all that evidence wonderful. I didn't know that the FBI could still put the data even though it had been fried. I gave it to someone who had the same phone so she could use the battery. Something tells me a agent approached her and paid her for the phone. Well maybe wishful thinking, I hope that happened. The frying of that phone was so upsetting. He fried it just hours before I was heading to an interview for a job. Doesn't matter Joaquin Castro called the man that was interviewing me and told him not to hire me.
Anyway Lawman Security is full of traders to our nation and they are unstable be careful and stay safe of these monsters.

A little more than a week ago this is where Lawman Security was all night long sitting in the parking lot and driving through and every time I would announce their presence they would then drive through announcing they were in my phone listening to me. Have fun your going to prison Jack Off

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