It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Starbucks parked car

I have made several post and sent out several messages to investigating agents about this part car it has been here for more than a year and the Starbucks parking lot . Today the person that owns it finally arrived . He's one of the many that just got here from Corpus Christi he's only been here for less than a week actually one week exactly .  Before he went to Corpus Christi he was in jail here in Bexar County .  So I guess that's probably the way he was pulled into this conspiracy . I'm kind of thinking he's  a different kind of minion . It allowed this car to stay here here in the city of San Antonio these vehicles are towed right away doesn't have proper registration and it is inoperative .  Is using it as storage I should have been towed away a very long time ago . No orange sticker  and an undercover agent said it is the responsibility of the Starbucks employees to report this . Therefore they aren't doing their job and everybody is seeing the pictures I've taken of the parking lot it is so clear they're not doing their job .  These Starbucks employees think that their job is to stalking her ass and innocent Mother fighting for children they also think that it's in their job description to put poison in coffee and water that I am consuming . Another  job description they think they have  is posting things on Tumblr that I am doing in the restaurant like if I take out a jar of Vaseline and use it they posted on Tumblr .  If I am fiddling with a new backpack trying to put straps  on  they posted on Tumblr .  Then  other attacking agents and minions read the things on Tumblr  stalk and harass me  and repeat these things  as if to say that they watch me all day everyday . First of all I don't care  the second of all you really should get a life . They're trying to upset me create a nervous breakdown  emotional distress  they're praying and hoping for Suicidal Tendencies they believe that they can make me take my own life . It's so sad that they are so dim-witted  so delusional .  They've been trying this for many years none of their tactics  have achieved their underlying agenda  but yet they continue doing the same thing over and over again . The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results . The morons project their Insanity on to me  and minions like Jeff Reynolds  point at me telling people that I'm crazy Oh no you're not projecting your crap on me go right ahead and say whatever you would like you're not going to pass your psychiatric evaluation 

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