It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Rosemary GI Forum

I arrived at the GI Forum in August of 2016. Rosemary is an assistant to the Director Aaron. They all came from a juvenile detention center. Three of them Rosemary, Aaron and Mr. Freeman. They were running the GI Forum like a prison with no consistency. I was later informed that Rosemary is in charge of the books and she is not suppose to be acting as a counselor to the Veterans. However that is exactly what she is doing and she takes people in her little tiny office to Pray? She is a hypocrite. While I was at the Forum I was the only veteran who was not allowed to wear shorts. They were running shorts and tennis skorts they were not short shorts and they were not inappropriate at all. Rosemary literally said they had to be to my knee or I couldn't wear them. She is a strange unstable woman. The other employees told me that she had to be the thinnest and prettiest person in the room and she attacked anyone who she saw as a threat and that is exactly what she did to me. 
Several things happened while I was there concerning the way I was treated and other veterans. I am not one to keep quite and let it happen. I went through the chain of command announcing what I saw and what was being done to violate the civil rights of all veterans. A group of administrators were coming in to review them it was a big deal I guess. Rosemary made it pretty obvious she wasn't doing her actual job. She pulled an all nighter to fix and update the books. Should they be updated a 100% of the time? She was stressed out running around trying to get a years worth of work done in one night. She started yelling at veterans to pay their rent and get caught up immediately. Wow so many veterans were behind on their rent if I was five days behind they were threatening to kick me out!! 
When the meeting happened they were not even corrected or scolded about the violation of civil rights. I stood in the common area listening to Dickerson telling Cavasco that he needed to use all the grant money before fiscal year or he wouldn't get any grant or a much reduced amount. So what did they do? They bought thousands of dollars worth of luggage and they stored it in the upper level that is for storage only. They claimed to be buying it for veterans during their departure. Not one single piece of luggage was ever given to a vet. I am sure that was sold on e-bay or so such other way to line their pockets. 
They bought sofa's and none of the veterans and their visitors were allowed to sit in them. After enough complaining and pointing out how fake rosemary was as she told people they were for veterans they allowed us to use them. 
Many donations are brought to the GI Forum by regular citizens, USAA, Auxiliaries, and others. The veterans don't get those donations unless they are the favorites of the Administration staff. We ask over and over, Rosemary is the only one who can access the storage room where they are she dictates what the vets can have and how often. As you can imagine there are loads of things that sit unused in that room because she can not be bothered with taking vets to the room. If you upset her like I did then you never get to the room. I was simply there and she was talking to the Castro's and my ex-husband who asked her to make havoc with me. 
There are so many stories surrounding this place and this woman. She pulled me in her room to do a one on one with me I don't remember the exact words but she was digging for my weaknesses, short comings and things that would cause me an emotional break down. She failed I see through these people like a plain of glass. 
If you talk with other veterans you will hear more of the unethical things she does. 
Most of the males adore her because she flirts with them and pets them. Her self esteem is based on appearance. 

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