It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

GI Forum Director Aaron Cavosco

 Aaron is a severe narcissist and it gets in the way of him doing his job properly. I have a hundred stories about what this man did to me. The first one that is much more important to him than it is to me. Lisa another veteran who was staying there when I got there was a highly combative woman and she would get in people's face screaming. She was the special pet of  Rosemary and Aaron. She had gotten in my face the moment I got there. She was talked to by them they told her she needs to get along with everyone and she gave a fake apology as she continued to attack me in a more passive aggressive manner just trying to push buttons. I was not special she did it to every female vet. She had been known to yell and scream at the males as well. I will tell Lisa stories in another post.

Aaron and Mr. Freeman decided they had a problem with me and that is one of the reasons I went through the chain of command. They pulled me into a tiny office two men towering over me no other female in the room. I can not remember the exact conversation but they were attacking me and I did not have my case workings with me. Those case workers were Lillian and Rochelle. I recorded the conversation in it's entirety he didn't know I was doing it. I had every right to do it and in the state of Texas I do not need their permission. I never thought in a million years I would need to take it to a court of law. It looks as though that is what is going to happen. The next day he typed up a statement claiming it was the things we talked about in the meeting and it did not reflect my recording in the least. It was the craziest thing I had ever seen that man pulled words out of his butt and put them on paper and none of it was actual or factual. I told Rochelle I had the recording I never told him. My enemies were in my phone; Castro's, Chief McManus, Greg Marshall, Officer Flores, other dirty officers and an invited guest-bumblebee. Someone locked it up so it wouldn't be deleted OH I FORGOT THERE WERE AGENTS THERE TOO. I just didn't know it then INCOGNITO.
So I don't know how he found out about it but he literally blew up slamming his door and getting in my face asking me. First he wanted to hear it and then he demanded that I delete it and then he told me I was breaking the law. OH PLEASE two large men take me in a room (a tiny room), lock the door and don't bother to tell my case worker Lillian to join us, and you have the balls to tell me I did something wrong? Mr. Freeman is a better man than Aaron and he should have seen how wrong it was the door should have been open and you really should not have pulled me in there at all. So we had another meeting that my two case workers demanded. Lillian was under his employ and after this meeting he just attacked her on a constant basis telling her she was doing things wrong she never did. She was told she was not doing her job and it was a lie. He wrote her up for things that were never in the policies and procedures things she did not do wrong. I felt so bad I felt I caused all this and I sort of did because he was out to get me as a favor to McManus and Castros and when she stood by my side and stood up for me he attacked like an animal I wanted to get justice for Lillian. She cried so hard when he fired her she loved her job she was good at her job Lillian is a sweet heart and she did not desire to be treated like dirt by this animal.
So to this day he is still screaming about this recording and I had forgotten about until a couple months ago when I tried to get back in the GI Forum. He said I would never get any services from the GI Forum and Veterans Affairs because of some recording. Seth told me "He is screaming about a recording". Then I remembered the recording it made me ponder where is that thing? OH I KNOW I gave it to the FBI 2017 after I nearly died in my house HA AARON HA!!!
There are some many stories what this guy did and you need to verify the details with a veteran named Sharon she knows as much as I and she has here own stories of how she was attacked by all of them.
Mr. Freeman quit he was used as a escape goat. You see the USAA donates huge dinners and lunches for holidays and some random weekends. These are suppose to be free. After they serve the left overs are saved and the next day Aaron uses that food to charge the veterans he makes them pay for the holiday food brought in as a gift. This was announced to Serg Dickerson (I don't know who did that HA), and Aaron put it on Mr. Freeman claiming he was charging the veterans. He was told to charge the veterans by Aaron. Mr. Freeman was the escape goat when they had me doing CQ everyday sometimes three times a day. After making me do this duty and cutting up my days they would scream at me for not getting a job quick enough. If I am working in their kitchen around the clock how am I going on interviews? It was a complete set up. Setting me up for failure.
Another thing he did was miss allocation of funds. He had 11,000.00 from an auxiliary and it was to put a new deck on the back of the building. Aaron said in front of a dozen vets I am not using all the funds for that I need new office furniture.
In November of 2016 there was a cold front as cold as it is now if not colder. It was a week long. The furnace did not work. They tried to fire it up and there was nothing but dust and dirt blowing. The vets were all freezing and remember they pay rent. RSO pay more rent then the temporary living. More than three days they went with no heat they all came out in the common area. Security guards were checking the temp it fell below sixty at one point. They all got sick and were in and out of the hospital. There were all serious issues with air quality and the air ducts had never been cleaned that was also causing the vets to get sick. I had got sick too I never get sick. The EPA, Health inspector and so many other specialist need to get in there. I kept sending emails to mayor Taylor but her office staff were deleting them before she ever saw a word of it. I went to open council meeting hoping to see her. I went to planned events and some were closed so it was a waste of my effort. I stood next to her at the library and I regret not talking to her I had a snotty little girl blocking me and the mayor was looking at her like "Why are talking to me about these things we already covered". Mayor Taylor it was because I was standing next to you and they could ever have us talking to each other. They kept telling me you were doing things you never did. You didn't know what was happening they kept u in the dark because they knew you would do something about it and fast. Like firing Aaron and they couldn't have the foreign trader moved!!!

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