It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Methodist Church November 6th so many minions

 Here's Jim he's the assistant pastor and I thought he was cooperating with this investigation I still think that he's just really good at being quiet about it.
 This is art or Ted he's use both names today he lied to me again about what his name was. It's amazing how he thinks that will work out for him they already know who you are they've seen all of the communication between you and Russian agents you're pretty much cooked well done. You'll see in another picture where he is flipping me off because these people are are informed that the pictures are important to pictures that are taken of them will lead to their Doom well first of all I already have a hundred pictures of you and second of all they have all of the communication between you and dirty police officers it doesn't really have anything to do with the pictures but you're stupid enough to believe that. It doesn't matter if I take another hundred pictures of you you're already going to be held accountable for all of the crimes that you have already committed. All of the Minions that showed up at the church this evening look like puppies with their tails between their legs they look as though they have been scolded they have been informed that they are scoundrels. It looks like they are told they have to come to the church and continue with what they agreed to do. If they step out of the game now they will be charged with all of their crimes including obstruction of justice.

 Isn't he cute flipping me off as if I've ever done anything to him know you're the dirty criminal you're the one trying to play games with my head this is the one that was put in a motel room by Moscow Heather and then I was informed it was for his own safety so they could Gaslight me into believing that these people were in some sort of danger a prosecution or of being physically harmed because they had come at me attacking me stalking and harassing and various other stupid stuff. This is also the one that tried to get me into a motel room July 4th and 6 because that's what he was instructed to do by Moscow Heather. He was stupid enough to believe that he could possibly get me into an intimate situation he really thought that I would succumb to that disgust
 This is the man who tried to deliver insult to me on Saturday at the Episcopal Church. He tried to tell me that I have a funny walk and then when he demonstrated that walk he was walking bowlegged there's no way that I walk bow-legged and pigeon-toed those two things don't go together. The insult that you tried to deliver didn't work sorry I'm not going to feel self-conscious because this guy thinks I'm funny I am funny haha

 This one was pulled out of jail and told that his record would be cleaned all they had to do is attack me stalking and harassing me. He has used the name Jojo, Rock, and Henry. I have complete confidence that there are three different teams that know what his actual name is. He's also the one that had a relationship with Diana and there's a picture of her she was there today too. I used to actually get along with Diana quite well and I thought that I had a lot in common with her until she told me to stop fighting for my children to forget about my children she told me not to announce the crimes of the police officers who were stalking and harassing me who were trying to kill me wow what great advice Diana maybe if you had children you wouldn't be telling people such stupid things has to forget about their children you sick sick transgender

  the man on the telephone is the one that had an angry Outburst on a via bus he was yelling at a man who had his ten-year-old daughter with him the man and his little girl got off the bus to get away from this angry uncontrolled thing. She got off the bus and chase them down to continue to have an angry Outburst on the 10 year old child and her father. Now whether this was all make-believe and they were doing this for my benefit to Gaslight me or not that situation is ridiculous and it's child endangerment. So you want to act to be stupid you want to have some drug addict screaming and yelling in front of a 10 year old child scaring the hell out of her she was shaking nearly crying you'll be held accountable for this it'll come back on you tenfold you want to play games then you got to be held accountable for the endangerment that you're causing a 10 year old child you're also going to be held accountable for the endangerment you're causing my children and as I said this is a fight for all children for me.

 He looks really familiar I'm going to have to wait for agents to tell me how I know him

  she's from England and she Volunteers in the kitchen. That's all I know about her. She's not the kind of person in the world either
 This is Dave he owns The Arcadian Cafe. He knows the details about my story and how all of these people are attacking me. I don't know his status. I know that Muhammad approached him and thought it was so funny and cute that everybody was going to have a angry outburst and act stupid in front of me in an effort to Gaslight me of course I'm going to tell the story of how they're having an angry outbursts in the middle of a church and how Brian got kicked out for life, however I don't see how that would make me look crazy it makes all of you look exactly what you're trying to paint me as. on that particular day Dave looked at Muhammad and said oh give me a break grow up and I agree please Muhammad's grow up what a childish little game you're going to have fake angry outburst and you're all excited to get out of the church and get away from the mess laughing the whole time there's nothing funny about this stupid I can't wait till you go back to your own country
 This one got extremely nasty with me earlier this year I was terrified to go into the dining room because Junior had been chasing me down literally chasing me down running the best he could trying to attach himself to me that was the deal he made with dirty CIA and NSA they told him he didn't have to go back to prison even though he's a wanted man and he's supposed to go back as long as he attached himself to me and bonus if you end her life then you'll be put in witness protection or some crap which is probably where he is right now I don't know. so Dave told me that I could sit in the other dining room they gave me a try the table I was sitting at was directly across from the door of the kitchen yeah. When I took my plate my tray to the kitchen door and tried to deliver it to them this woman got extremely nasty and said that she doesn't do that and that I have to take it to the other dining room. Why would I take it to the other dining room when the dishwasher is in the kitchen? Because she was trying to get me into the other dining room where all of my killers were all of the Predators that were scaring me I was extremely frightened and I was trying to avoid them she want to put Me In Harm's Way. When I went and sat back down at the table and took my tray with me she started yelling at me swearing and pointing to the other dining room as if she had some sort of authority over me to demand that I go into the other dining room she needs medication. then she threatened to do me bodily harm she asked me what did you say? I said I wasn't talking to you and she said well you better not because I would beat the s*** out of you oh I believe you because you're Latino you're a criminal and you're unstable and that's a common thing here in San Antonio Texas enjoy your visit your safety is none of the concern of City officials they don't care

  this is Diana the transgender that told me to forget about my children and to forget about fighting for justice to just go with the flow and not complain about the police officers who were committed crimes against me because apparently that's the way she lives her life where you can go right ahead and live your life that way and don't give anybody else advice because the next time you open your mouth it's going to be the wrong person that closes it for you you got lucky with me

  it was the coffee that was poison today and it hit me right away very hard. I didn't finish the rest of the plate of food just to be on the safe side and I took coffee from both the commercial pot and the domestic pot.

  this is Jesse he's a very nice man he used to have an apartment on the upper half of a building on Main Street the building next to the Fiesta Store. His roommate did him wrong somehow I don't remember any couldn't afford the apartment anymore and now he lives on the streets. Is social security benefits are less than 700 which makes it difficult for him to find an apartment and obviously the city isn't helping them now are they. Very sad there's no reason for this man to be homeless. Jesse came and kept me company one day when I fell asleep on a picnic table behind Catholic Charities it was a Saturday. after I visited the Episcopal Church suddenly mysteriously I felt so tired that I couldn't keep going. Jesse could have been sent by my enemies because waking me up after I've been poisoned will cause heart failure to keep me going. Jesse could have also been sent to be a deterrent to predators people trying to harm me or steal my things. so another words I don't know what the underlying agenda was for Jesse I'm just telling you he's a really good guy

 This is poison master. A few months ago he was the one switching out the commercial pot one of them was a poison pot of coffee and the other one was a good pot of coffee without poison. For a month or more the homeless people would show up to the dinner before the rest of the members of congregation would show. While it was just the homeless people that were in the dining room to poison pot of coffee was out unfortunately I did drink it too. for the most part the other homeless people there were told not to drink coffee there was a couple of people who made that same mistake I made

  I believe this man's name is Keri he drives the red Mustang he's been sent that made hundreds of times one time that he was actually riding a bicycle up and down Main Street when I was taking pictures and walking on the sidewalk said something stupid to me I can't remember what it was I'm sure the agents know what it was
 About four months ago he had a bond a PR Bond now if he wasn't paying on that PR Bond he's supposed to go back kid jail and I think you have to report weekly on a PR Bond I'm not sure
  this is the one that has angry outbursts time via he also worked at construction site on the corner of 1604 and Babcock. That particular construction site you guessed it CIA this guy that's right he's one of the minions for CIA is it had all kinds of problems with the law just like many other minions his record is removed he doesn't have to go to jail he was on the telephone during this dinner talking so loudly that everybody could hear his business. He said that he had another incident with police officers there was two police officers and a sheriff that showed up caught him guilty of open intox and something else being lewd or something I don't know. He announced that he thinks there's a warrant for his arrest out there and if there is a warrant for his arrest you can bet it will disappear that warrant is there on purpose so they can watch dirty sapd dirty City officials and dirty CIA go into computer systems of remove warrants that's the whole reason Jeff Reynolds was taken to jail he was found with drugs he should have been charged with drug possession and intent to deal. When Jeff Reynolds went to a court of law on October 22nd he had not been charged with any crime whatsoever that's not the way the system works that's the way it works when dirty sapd are hacking into the computer systems and making things disappear like police reports they were being set up for failure all of this happened on purpose so they could be watched as they manipulated the system and just like with this redheaded basket case the same thing will be done.
  I don't know this one he must be new never seen him before I'm sure he's been around me I just didn't notice

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