It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, November 21, 2019

June 16th 2019

The store manager of this HEB is a foreign agent and a demon those two things go hand and hand. Many of the employees were being sent at me when I was sitting in the dinning area. One employee was kind enough to buy me a coffee. I had gone days without eating and I had no idea how I was even going to get my next meal. They have been doing this to me for years and they are still doing this to me today. The store manager was participating in sending his employees to stalk and harass me and on my last day here he sent security to frame me for things I was not doing. I think he wanted to have officers call law enforcement for loitering I don't know I was told to leave. There were several of Trump's team showing up trying to pretend to be uncover good guys and I had CIA Brad in my phone acting as if he was working for the greater good he is a psycho. So many pictures of these minions fill the FBI data base. Mike was one of them and I saw him a couple weeks ago acting like a dog with it's tail between his legs clearly they have informed him of the serious charges he is looking at. It was during this time that we shut down my phone for 10 days because I was loosing control of the phone. This action was to the benefit of my enemies and they made me believe I was playing with the heads of Castros and Gregory Marshall and their dirty cop friends. Actually that is exactly what we were doing however the people playing this game are the fifty percenters. 50% good and bad. They are investigating dirty officers and some foreign agents but they have no intention of allowing me to live through this.
It was during this time that I was informed of a satellite that looks like the moon. Who is it? I have no idea but I enjoy flipping it off on a regular basis.
There was a big storm when I arrived here you can imagine how upset I was that I was trapped in the storm. I went to the parking garage elevator. My enemies were there and they had every intention of ending me. I saw the loaded weapon as I ran to the elevator. Bumblebee was there too. When I got in the good guys took remote control of the elevator. One of the psychos was forcing the doors open however the elevator had been moved to the basement. They couldn't get to it there was a key pad secured door to the entrance of the elevator. The alarm on the elevator was sounding off as the killer was forcing the door open. I don't know if he got it open. But if you think about it he could have filled that elevator with rounds to end me. I am so surprised he didn't do it. So that was a fun night and I had two of those nights. Sometimes they were gas lighting me into believing they were sending killers, as I said before I saw the weapon and the alarm on the elevator was going off. In the morning when it was time for me to do my bait job they sent a nurse to press the button on the elevator. That way it would wake me up and I was back to work. She was so confused when she received that message in her phone it was actually comical. I was up and back at it again.
While I was sitting in the dinning area there was a woman sitting in there I swear I knew her she looked like someone I worked with. The agents finally clued me in. She was the cousin of someone I worked with at Superior Health, Diane. She looks so much like her cousin I thought it was her.
One day the manager was walking pass the dining area giving me a stare down and a undercover agent stopped him asking a question. She was trying to distract him from wrapping his hands around my throat. Well! It looked as though that was his intentions. I always had a receipt in hand even though I was only spending .45 cents because I had no money but pocket change that way I had an argument as the agents watched the man break the law to attack me. I was left inform at the table I always went to by a mysterious gifter Hint Hint.
There is more I will come back. 

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