It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Woodhill Apartments where my children resided until Nov. 2018

Where my children and their father previously lived this was found on the floor. From the appearance of the apartment and the amount of things that were left it appeared as though they had been evicted. Reports for our children were left behind who does this? The apartment was absolutely disgusting the toilets and bath tubs clearly have no been cleaned in the five years they lived there. A vacuum never touched the floors. Cockroaches were everywhere most especially the kitchen. The inside of the appliances were the disgusting mess. This apartment was only a two bedroom and my ex husband had been lying to very important people saying he was living in a three bedroom.
He even lied to the Castro Brothers and CPS investigating agents. He lied to Michigan officials when he taking the children from Michigan to Texas. Have this family of this size in a two bedroom apartment is not even 2014 i was able to talk to my children and my daughter Ava disclosed she was not able to lock her door and keep her brothers and father out of her room. She disclosed she was trying to close the door and get solace from the penis people and her leg had been slammed in the door which was painful and difficult to walk on and her incompetent and sick father refuse to take her to doctor to be examined.
There are many many more stories like these .
I took pictures of the filth and disgust my children were living in the investigators have them.
The first CPS agent who decided to use her job to do Castro Brothers a favor instead of conducting an investigation to help my children. She was on the phone with me literally screaming that I was the abusive one. This is how stupid fiona is my ex husband was removed from out home in 2012 by her co workers. When I mentioned this she said…“Well that’s just a safety plan”! Does this make any sense just a safety plan that says he needs supervised visitation and no longer reside in family home.

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