It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Two Men who have continuously tried to kill me

Chief McManus and mayor Ron nirenberg the reason that I'm on the streets the moment officer Flores loaded gone and decided he was going to take my life  Chief McManus had the bright idea to keep me locked my house for two months then he threw me under the bus and put me on the streets . I have been tortured several attempts have been made on my life over and over again and look at how McManus is laughing as I confront them and ask them how they're doing . McManus said she still out here on the streets where I put her as he starts laughing with the mare  and both of you better remember when you're sitting in prison I will be looking to see look there's still in prison where I put them haha so funny .  It's amazing how much like a child Chief McManus Acts  as he's turning to the mare and talkin about me saying some things that are true and announcing how proud of himself he is that I'm still on the streets where he put me  I yelled out whatever McManus . His response as usual can't think of his own words so he has to use my words back at me I have a hundred stories of McManus has been in my phone since 2012, repetitively he is used my words apparently  unable to  formulate a thought of his own .  Joaquin Castro does the same thing except Joaquin Castro is giving interviews on national TV when he does it . I'm only going to claim some of those statements  because when you used them out of the proper contacts I'm not going to claim that that's not mine . These two men are children  I put it in a second woman fighting for her children and fighting for her life on the streets and then attacked her as they walked past her  they're laughing like children these are bullets do you want Belize running your city  it doesn't matter you're not going have a choice they're going to pussy 

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