It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

San Antonio College Library

Today the employees are being Snarky Sarcastic and down right shitty. Last year they were play acting that they were taken into FBI and they were questioned and corrected for the series of crimes they committed against me attacking me, stalking and harassing. Today they are acting worse than school children. These are a group of bullies they have no idea what they have gotten themselves involved in and they are going to have a rude awakening coming their way. They are truely too stupid to understand the concept that in this country Treason is punishable by death. They are stupid enough to believe the lies being told by Joaquin and Julian Castro, Hillary, Greg Marshall and several foreign agents. Amazing how I am forced to deal with idiots every day that have no moral compass and no sense of right and wrong. They find themselves to be comical as they help to attack an innocent mother fighting for her children. pictures to be added

The idiots came to the computer I was using and they put poison in my open diet coke that is why they are laughing and acting like idiots. I have been poisoned all day and I am barely hanging on. They did this in front of the cameras that's how stupid they are. Now I have two vulgar minions sitting next to me laughing smiling acting like morons. It what world is it funny when you poison someone trying to cause their death

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