It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Minion Mama's boy

The man with praying hands was sent at me by Gregory Marshall and agents he was instructed to talk about talking to his mother in front of me. He was trying to push my buttons and upset me. It worked I don't even need these people thinking it is OK to tease me about not being about not being able to speak to my babies. HOW DARE YOU!!! I will turn into Jesus in the market place I swear.
So this is the day that I started writing the notes and handing them out. They contained my real story and the fact my babies are trapped in abuse. Pasture Jackson was also given instruction to talk about his estranged parent and how it hurt to grow up without that parent. That was upsetting too. Who ever designed all this knew me well and they knew they would push me into action with all this. In other words it was NOT my ex husband.  It worked I was kicked into action. I don't know who but I will be told who later. It worked wonderfully started writing those letters and throwing them all about the city an awakening I dreamed of and it is being fulfilled now. Welcome to the Mueller Probe and a mother's scorn. Enjoy the ride; Good Luck your going to need it.

Oh the praying minion I called her out on what he was doing and he said I am an american and I was born here. I never said anything related to that subject matter isn't that strange he just started spewing it out loudly. I also found out he was just pulled out of jail. The next time I saw him his micro expressions were confusing. He does not appear to be what you I originally thought! I saw him about to weeks ago and gave him a letter but ....never mind ...later

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