It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

July 4th and 2nd

  1. July 4th
    still have demon predators being sent at me and poison cigarettes being placed in my path. Helicopters and one man planes. I see less of SAPD helicopters but Austin Tour group has not stopped for a second. When I walked to Cypress Starbucks it didn’t take long before it filled up with stalkers. The manager was there that put hands on me and decided to help Christopher Wray with starving me to death. He put all the sugar in the store behind the counter so the paying customers even had to ask for it. He thinks he is something special helping the psycho director of the FBI and I wonder how special he will feel when he goes to prison with him.  
    I went downtown to the square and I sat between the church and city commerce and I was being followed by a old Latino man. When I was sorting through my bad he heard a metal clank the freak jumped out of the bench. What are you telling these moronic criminals about me? He is afraid of me yet he is still following me all over the city. I saw several dirty police office some that I have had the unfortunate pleasure of dealing with before. So can someone tell me why it’s alright that these female officers where their hair hanging down their back all over the place and they are considered to be in uniform? In my world that is out of uniform and you get an artical 15. But not surprising for San Antonio where every police force is filled with criminals that don’t even know what the constitution says let alone how to have respect for it or the law. 
    Notice how downtown was a ghost town for our nation’s birth? Yes the worst mayor ever if it is a Latino holiday there are fireworks all over the city but nothing for the fourth of July leave to the Sociopath to ruin an american holiday. If it was fiesta there are events all over this city and hoards of people but when it’s the Fourth of July nothing not one single event ridiculous.  
  2. July 2nd
    I made my demands and stood my ground everyone who has been playing this game for years knows how this works you give me something if you want me to move you want me to play. There’s is a new person playing and not at all smart either. I layed there not moving watching the planes and helicopters. Joauin Castro made it clear he checked out there was someone new in the phone he didn’t want his name said or typed in and he kept shutting down the phone. Too bad psycho there are many stories to tell of what you have done your name will be said a lot. 
    Tuesday morning a man approached me gave me three dollars and told me he could wash some of my things. This is a tactic that was given to these minions years ago someone is simple enough to think I will fall in love because I meet a man that does laundry(long story). Loren is a simpleton not very brite at the end of the day. I walked down bandera to HEB I received messages to stop, warnings I ignored them and kept going.  I got to the school and there was a Leon Springs officer sitting in the school parking lot making himself guilty of entrapment and stalking and harassing (well maybe), I had no phone it was already fried at that time. I was going into HEB I received notice to stop to not to go in. I ignored it I couldn’t play stupid games I could barely walk I was at my end being drugged and starved I didn’t know if I was going to make it through this time. My enemies made it clear they wanted me to go back lay down and die. NO I always make it a point to do the opposite of what my enemies want me to do. I bought those cheap cigars I am no longer picking up your poison cigarettes and I will not take any offered to me. Then i got on the bus. Waited hour they were stopping the VIA bus. The usual all the same methods. Helicopters and planes came in force when they figured out what I was doing I got on that bus and believe or not I was thinking I was going back too someone convinced me to stay out of bexar county. When I got downtown and my enemies last their bloody minds I knew I was staying. I went to get food at CAM I am so surprised that they gave me food they have been told so many times to refuse me food. Then I headed to the Library there were lights flashing at me the entire way and they were manipulating the cross walks I ignored all these things I normally follow and listen to I was very weak and could barely keep myself vertical. 
    There was some presentation given about paid sick days. I talked to them to see who was presenting. Assistant City Manager it’s a woman and a doctor isn’t that odd everyone every time I use the computer or phone it says the assistant manager is a Latino man how confusing. Of course I wanted to talk to her but she was not even making herself available for consultation for these buisness owners and this new code is going to hurt them it might shut down some of these businesses all together. I listened to enough they were saying they were pushing this through fast and they did not get approval of all of city council the Mayor is pushing it through fast not listening to city council and not listening to these small business owners whom this will effect the most. This man is more out of control than I thought I am so happy to stop the monster for you all. I couldn’t stand there listening to the violation of the rights of these people because the mayor thinks he can spit on our constitution. That woman wasn’t going to make time for me and she most certainly wasn’t going to listen to reason. I walked away and used the emails they told everyone to use better than nothing. 
    I went to trinity baptist church because those people needed to confronted for colluding with dirty politicians to starve a mother fighting for her children. Their website is ridiculous go see for yourself not one single email address. I started collecting business cards for the email addresses and the receptionist threw a fit she was rude. Thank goodness it wasn’t the Latino lady working the desk other wise I would not have gotten a sack lunch only all the other homeless people in the city not me.  This will hurt the reputation of the church it’s a ethics thing and that employee is guilty of collusion not huge crimes but it matters. 

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