It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Joe Garza San Antonio fatherhood campaign

In 2014 I had a job at the Methodist hospital and when I would walk to work or walk home from work there was a man and a beat-up pickup truck chasing me down stalking and harassing me whose name is Joe Garza. I can see that there is more than one Joe Garza involved in this conspiracy. The Joe Garza that I am referring to in this story you can find a picture of if you go to the Facebook of the San Antonio fatherhood campaign there is a picture of for men Frank Castro Jr Gregg Marshall Joe Garza and Cesar something or another. All of them were stalking and harassing in fact when you go to the Facebook page of the San Antonio fatherhood campaign you might not be able to find a single one of them that is listed there that did not participate in stalking and harassing of an innocent mother
One particular day when I was leaving the hospital Joe Garza was stalking and harassing driving up and down with color Street as I was walking. He had his girlfriend / wife in the vehicle with mother of his children and his children were in the back. He was waving like a fool and he instructed her to do the same thing. She refused she didn't want to do that she did not want to participate in the attack on me. He became angry with her lifted his hand up as if he was going to backhand her across the face. she then lifted up her hand wave. It became obvious to me at that moment that she took his threat seriously therefore they may have done this to her before and he may have in the past follow through with beating on his wife the mother of his children. He's an unstable man he proved that by chasing me around the city acting like an idiot. And as I have said a hundred times over these are the kind of people that make up the San Antonio fatherhood campaign. These are the kind of people the San Antonio fatherhood campaign manipulate a court of law to help. Unstable Violent Men Who should not have custody of their children they manipulate records to make police reports disappear they lie in a court of law and say that they are good people. Joe Garza approved that he is an abusive angry little boy.

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