It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Willie Hall

Willie Hall is a minion that just arrived and found recently a couple of months. He was driving big rig and they said that he had congestive heart failure he ended up at the VA Medical Center. While he was at the VA Medical Center apparently he did something to upset the police officers which isn't hard to do since they're demons criminals sociopaths. And that's when he was brought into this whole conspiracy this whole mess he was sent at me with the instruction to tell me to give up on my children to forget about them he told me to go back to Michigan he told me that there's good shelters in California there's a lot of other stupid things that Willy Hall said that were upsetting to say the least.
Like all other minions he was instructed to hit on me and try to have his way with me and he was dumb enough to think that he was actually going to be successful.
She stayed at the rescue mission and the rescue mission every one of these homeless men have them pulled into this conspiracy to attack me there was an undercover NSA agent staying at the Rescue Mission. Undercover claiming to do an investigation when in fact they're just criminals.  I would watch the undercover on a say very closely and they would always end up at the Wyndham Gardens on St Marys. This is where the dirty CIA are staying. So of course some of them might have been dirty CIA or citizen-based agents. All of them were former military which makes you believe that the NSA pulled them in. All of them gave me poison cigarettes some of them made sure that I drank the poison Starbucks coffee and none of them were wise enough to understand that Starbucks was feeding homeless people's poison coffee.
The last time I talked to Willie Hall he got a phone call from HEB offering him a driver's position he said it was $100,000 to start. Boy isn't that amazing they're rewarding they're criminals once again.

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