It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Shirley Gonzalez

 When I arrive in San Antonio in 2014 to fight for my children in a court of law I saw Shirley Gonzalez picture on the San Antonio fatherhood campaign Facebook page she is a city council woman. I started to do research to find out if more about her she was the chair of the Neighborhood Place nonprofit and the San Antonio fatherhood campaign nonprofit. Very quickly I was uncovering the crimes that were being committed by both of these nonprofits I was sending her one email after another informing her that she was cheering nonprofits that were committing serious crime. I was sending Shirley Gonzales emails about my children and the fact that their father had lied to court of law committing perjury in an effort to get custody of our children. I sent Shirley Gonzales many emails about the stalking and harassing I was being subjected to by the members of the San Antonio fatherhood campaign the attorney Tamara Morrissey the dirty police officer Anthony Flores. All of my emails went ignored and unanswered but it didn't stop me from sending them.
I went on fighting for my children without the help of this councilwoman in 2018 I was thrown in jail the day of my release I went for a very long walk considering I had no exercise while in jail.
I took a walk through Terrell Hills I was heading to the Walmart that is on Harry Wurzbach I think. I walked through a neighborhood and Terrell Hills and the Tara Hills police officers showed up it was quite confusing. Those police officers were parked in a big white house. I walk down the middle of the street because I had had experience with police officers accusing me of going in people's yards so I made sure I was in the middle of the street so I would not be accused of that again the drones were above my head I made sure I had their attention. Shirley Gonzales have pulled those police officers into her house lying to them claiming that I was stalking and harassing her I didn't know that was her house why would I know where her house is? Why would I care where her house is? They stopped in harass me all night I got closer to the Walmart and one of the police officers stopped me and asked me where I was going I told him the Walmart. I didn't have any phone I asked him what time it was was about 4 in the morning. I have been walking for a whole lot of hours I was shocked he said are you late. I said I'm just going to Walmart I guess I'm early. The police officer then asked me if I knew anybody in that neighborhood I got a bit defensive no I don't know anybody in that neighborhood. I thought the police officer was insinuating that I wasn't allowed to walk through a neighborhood unless I knew somebody there. I got upset I think I was complaining about it for a couple of weeks that police officer told me that I wasn't allowed to walk through a neighborhood unless I knew somebody there I don't know anybody in the neighborhood I'm just passing through to get to Walmart. That's not with the police officer was insinuating at all he was checking to see if I was walking through the neighborhood stalking and harassing somebody. I had no idea what his questioning was leading to. The fact of the matter is I didn't know anybody in the neighborhood and I don't want to know that lady I was not stalking and harassing her and she was lying to police officers then they stalked and harassed me because of the lies they were told from Shirley Gonzalez. Investigating agents told me to guess who it was that did all this to me I guess it was Joaquin Castro he's always the one attacking me and it was a large house. I maintain that guess that was very wrong for about six months until I finally learned that it was Shirley Gonzalez. I asked investigating agents why she would act so stupid and think such silly things that's when they told me that she's sleeping with Gregory Marshall my ex-husband I had no idea. Not only did I have no idea I don't care please take the man run away with him to the Bahamas and give me my children I care not who he's sleeping with give me a break. Apparently Greg was filling Shirley Gonzalez his head full of crazy nonsense he walks around claiming that I still love him those please officers were parked at a big way house. I walked down the middle of the street because I had had experience with Lee saucers accusing me of going in people's yards so I made sure I was in the middle of the street so I would not be accused of that again the drones were above my head I made sure I had their attention. those please officers were parked at a big way house. I walked down the middle of the street because I had had experience with Lee saucers accusing me of going in people's yards so I made sure I was in the middle of the street so I would not be accused of that again the drones were above my head I made sure I had their attention. Shirley Gonzales have those please officers were parked at a big way house. I walked down the middle of the street because I had had experience with Lee saucers accusing me of going in people's yards so I made sure I was in the middle of the street so I would not be accused of that again the drones were above my head I made sure I had their attention. Shirley Gonzales have those please officers were parked at a big way house. I walked down the middle of the street because I had had experience with Lee saucers accusing me of going in people's yards so I made sure I was in the middle of the street so I would not be accused of that again the drones were above my head I made sure I had their attention. Shirley Gonzales those please officers were parked at a big way house. I walked down the middle of the street because I had had experience with Lee saucers accusing me of going in people's yards so I made sure I was in the middle of the street so I would not be accused of that again the drones were above my head I made sure I had their attention. Those please officers were parked at a big way house. I walked down the middle of the street because I had had experience with Lee saucers accusing me of going in people's yards so I made sure I was in the middle of the street so I would not be accused of that again the drones were above my head I made sure I had their attention. Those please officers were parked at a big way house. I walked down the middle of the street because I had had experience with Lee saucers accusing me of going in people's yards so I made sure I was in the middle of the street so I would not be accused of that again the drones were above my head I made sure I had their attention. Shirley those please officers were parked at a big way house. I walked down the middle of the street because I had had experience with Lee saucers accusing me of going in people's yards so I made sure I was in the middle of the street so I would not be accused of that again the drones were above my head I made sure I had their attention. Shirley Gonzales have those please officers were parked at a big way house. I walked down the middle of the street because I had had experience with Lee saucers accusing me of going in people's yards so I made sure I was in the middle of the street so I would not be accused of that again the drones those please officers were parked at a big way house. I walked down the middle of the street because I had had experience with Lee saucers accusing me of going in people's yards so I made sure I was in the middle of the street so I would not be accused of that again the drones were above my head I made sure I had their attention. Shirley Gonzales have pulled those police officers into those please officers were parked at a big way house. I walked down the middle of the street because I had had experience with Lee saucers accusing me of going in people's yards so I made sure I was in the middle of the street so I would not be accused of that again the drones were above my head I made sure I had their attention. Shirley Gonzales have pulled those police officers those please officers were parked at a big way house. I walked down the middle of the street because I had had experience with Lee saucers accusing me of going in people's yards so I made sure I was in the middle of the street so I would not be accused of that again the drones were above my head I made sure I had their attention. Shirley Gonzales have pulled those those please officers were parked at a big way house. I walked down the middle of the street because I had had experience with Lee saucers accusing me of going in people's yards so I made sure I was in the middle of the street so I would not be accused of that again the drones were above my head I made sure I had their attention. Shirley Gonzales have pulled those police officers into her house lying to them claiming

 in this posting you will see a lot of the information is repeating itself. That is Gregory Marshall hacking into my phone and my Google account he causes it to repeat itself so I can't tell stories so that when you're reading it it's confusing and you become irritated and you don't want to read it

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