It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, April 27, 2020

Rabbit Tattoos

So I went ahead and played games with the helicopter the old games I used to play years ago when they would leave me somewhere I would go thinking that it was something I do take a picture up I was home crying being committed that I needed to document and talk about. Several times helicopters have tried to lead me on to private property so dirty police abscess could then arrest me for trespassing of course I never felt for it and a couple of the properties they led me to head security officers so I would walk off and talk to the security officer and say this is private property right I'm not allowed to enter right? The security officer would then look at me and say yes private property that's why I'm standing here why is there a helicopter above your head? And then I would inform him that it was my pet my guy it was guiding me to that property the security officer would then ask why that helicopter guided me to that property and I would inform him to take pictures of license plate he says there are no pictures of license plates here there is nothing here to take a picture up and he was right because I'm not particular day the helicopters would being assholes and they were guiding me to private property and I had dirty police officers following me and the moment I stepped foot on any private property the dirty police officers had every intention of arrested me and throwing me in jail and that was during the time that Hillary Clinton decided to collect up a bunch of criminals that were already in jail instructing them to kill me break my neck choke the life out of me God knows what.
So long time ago I promised myself not to follow any helicopters today I went ahead and file the helicopters again and I saw familiar minion he was pulled out of prison and it was put on the streets just shocked and harass me and play games with dirty police officers. I'm one particular faithful day they decided to guess let me into believing they were sending someone else do kill me yet again and it was him and then they were going to chase him down and throw them in the Patty wig while he was on the corner of Commerce and St Mary's he was running in circles trying to run away from police officers and he kept repeating out loud I was only going to talk to her I was only going to talk to her that was their way of gas letting me into believing that he was coming to do me bodily harm and today he has made it abundantly clear that he is ready to actually really do that bodily harm. He has the rabbit tattoo on his neck that's a gang at Texas prison gang when they get out of prison they're supposed to go to church and find a church and attend church every week and the moment that they stopped at hearing to the gang rules they will be taken out. That one does not attend to church yet he has not been taken out because he's doing dirty police officers favors that's why. He's a drug addict and he is lost about 30 to 50 lb since he got out here and every time he approaches me and he needs food or clothing I give it to him and the thanks I get is this idiot screaming in my face that nobody knows me I don't care if anybody knows me I would prefer it if nobody did know me that's just his guilt coming out that's him trying to defend himself because somebody informed him he's going back to prison where he belongs he was pulled up by dirty CIA dirty FBI and while he was in prison he was being brainwashed tortured and abused creating a killer that's what they do that's where the number 22 comes into play that's where the phone and all these notifications and different sounds coming to play why they become agitated angry and aggressive why they start to lose it because of all the brainwashing and torture that they went through in prison and the CIA is the one that came up with all this crap.

I don't know if you can see it or not but look at his face it's completely tore off he got loud and stupid with wrong person and someone beat the s*** out of him I can't say doesn't deserve it. This is the one they pulled out of prison it was October 2017 I believe I'm pretty sure. He's been stalking and harassing me I'm following me around ever since he gives me his stupid goofy eyes waiting for me to take a picture so that I can have an angry person me today he got so aggressive I thought he was going to punch me. This stupid things he was saying indicated that he knows how guilty he is and when I saw him a month ago his actions and his words indicated that he knew he was going back to prison. Now of course I should call nine-one-one because he's aggressive he's combative he's following me around but I don't get help when I call 911 so why would I continue to repeat the same thing hoping for different results? Investigating agents know exactly what's happening they know who this creep is and they know the CIA pull them out of prison they know that he's been stalking and harassing me and they know dirty cops instruct him what to do. Like the particular day that he was acting like he was going to follow me and then kill me and they chased him and circled him and threw them in a Patty wagon in front of me to make me believe that he was going to kill me it was all a game and this is how they use the resources of this city to play games like high school children pretending to a pulled law all the while they are breaking the law acting like high school children being complete idiot these are tactics that used to be used to catch criminals and now they are being used to attack innocent people to create some sort of Twilight Zone reality the jokes on them and ever fell for it and it doesn't matter if they're making it up or not I have the pictures the videos and investigating agents have the communication between them and all of these trained dogs that are on the street.
At one point in time he kept screaming at me to go away I was on a public sidewalk I didn't have to go away. He told me that he was going to call the law or he would play the law by the way that I do. I don't know who these morons have been talking to just because I'm walking around letting them punch me and taking pictures of them doesn't mean I'm playing the law I'm telling my own personal story if they had a brain it would be easier to bring them to a level of understanding. He's going to call the law is it going to show them his contraband his drugs oh that's right he's their special pet they'll turn a blind eye to his illegal drugs.

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