It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Kingpin want to bes Castro Brothers

Important to have me time to know that I finally understand what's going on and I understand what's happening there some things you boys want to know
Joaquin and Julian Castro want to control the city they run it like kingpin. You can't be a kingpin if you got somebody else in the way somebody else running the city in Mexican Mafia I can't believe we can casserole be stupid enough to go up against the Mexican Mafia but that's what I'm seeing happen here.
So it's Joaquin in my phone keeping the stories and the blog post from going up the blog post everybody can see these things not very many people can see so I guess he feels glorified what an idiot
Somebody told me that I Sheriff was taken out or seriously injured whatever and got to feeling that the sheriff that came here from California who is this by I was told about the turf Wars but I'm always being told about her Forsyth seems like they always are fighting for territory. It looks like it's more intense now. So
So you got the sheriff out of your way I get that but you got to understand that there's more than just that Sheriff to worry about 4 example there's the Stephanie Flores Sheriff who is bringing Japanese pies and here and she's basically a Trader to her own people and she's cited with the Japanese have no idea why I probably money. She attacked me and the most hideous stupid ways sending a her Japanese pies stocking and harassing me. She manipulate police officers on SAP D & the San Antonio College police she attacked SAP D officers who are not in her chain of command she is too big for her britches I don't know why that thing seems to think that she can call up and essay PD officers start questioning them about cases that working on it's not of heard am business they are not in her chain of command she is so out of control. She is Powell's with Julian Joaquin Castro as well. She's trying to play many sides of many fences the entire time she's loyal to Japan. It doesn't make any sense to me either maybe because she's gay I don't know.
Joaquin and Julian Castro had a bunch of minions on the street pretending to be homeless many of them were there just attacked me and some of the other ones had other jobs to do like poisoning the homeless to get rid of him trying to figure out who the undercover cops were that were on the street things like this taking pictures documented they've been pulled out about a month ago well actually two weeks ago. One by one they just started leaving a couple of them went to Austin a couple others went back to the west coast so obviously Joaquin and Juliian Castro were informing them that it's become dangerous for them and they needed to get out of here.
Benjamin in from California his family is all Mexican Mafia but he swears he's not and ever believe them. I found out Benjamin wasn't his real name which wasn't hard to figure out anyway he had approached me paranoid and scared accusing me of going through his backpack and looking through his paperwork. You were sitting next to me the whole time did you ever see my hands go in your backpack and look at your paperwork who is it that's putting this stupid notion in your head? He didn't answer me of course I never looked at his paperwork everyone thought of such a thing. The reason that there's no ocean was being put in his head is because I've done it to other people there taking me for a ride because they plan my death I go in the glove box and get their actual information I take pictures of it. John Anderson I went through his paperwork most certainly took pictures of everything but I didn't do it to Benjamin because I didn't have opportunity. So somebody who's in my phone seeing my pictures is well aware of what I do and they started to warn the California kartel boy. He was approach while he was at Travis park by an agent looking man asking him questions about the Morningside apartment complex. He share this information with me told me that the man that approached him was using his real name. I think he said Steve. I don't think Steve his real name. I have no idea what is real name is but he's gone somebody must have got a hold of me and said you need to get out of here I think he went back to California the only thing holding them here was infected he didn't have any money he went to work for some guy who stiffed out of the money and why did he get stiffed out of the money Joaquin Castro.
So today I meant another interesting fellow on the bus who was trying to tell me that the Mexican Mafia was using the corona virus to increase there to force. He was telling me it was population reduction which everybody knows that it's obvious but he's blaming the Mexican Mafia saying they are the ones that want to reduce the population here in America kind of makes it easier to overthrow the government is just according to some guy that was talkin on the bus doesn't make it true.

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