It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Unfit police officers

Police officers in San Antonio Texas are unfit they are obese huge. When you became a police officer you had to go through training you were required to pass a physical training test you were required to be physically fit to do the job. The same is true with any military Soldier where to go to the basic training and we have to continuously pass those PT test over the years. It is pretty darn obvious that when you are 300 lb or 400 lb and you can barely walk let alone run you are not passing any PT test. Many of these fools are calling it discrimination and they can't be fired because of obesity because it's discrimination know it most certainly is not discrimination use any excuse you want so you can remain unfit and disgusting. In the military we have a thing called weight-control if you become a beast and you're unable to do the job of soldier you're kicked out you're gone. The same should hold true for police officers there should be weight control. If you can't keep your weight under control you're giving a special program to lose the weight if you refuse to adhere to the program and refuse to lose the weight then you don't want the job get out. They use stupid excuses while he's been on the force for 8 years while he's a lazy unconcerned for his own health I'm concerned for the safety of the residents of San Antonio and that's the reason you have the job is to enforce safety. I took pictures and videos of a sheriff trying to chase down a drug addict who had been shooting drugs in her arm right in front of him. He got out and tried to chase her he couldn't he was too fat he couldn't run it was a hideous sight it makes it pretty clear and obvious they cannot do their job when they are obese he couldn't chase down the criminal and put the handcuffs on her he threw his hands in the air and told her don't ever come back again do you call this enforcing the law do you call this keeping the peace and keeping people safe. I call it San Antonio sheriff's department disgustingly obese there should be a law against abusing food to the point that you're killing yourself

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