It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, April 28, 2020


 When I was in the army I had tasers. They're the old-fashioned tasers the ones that look like they came from the Batman movie. Each one of them were different and I felt that I needed him I was a small person and believe it or not not all of my fellow soldiers are good people. My first sergeant corrected me in give me instruction over and over again when you go on leave you do not take those tasers over the border of Colorado if you're driving out of Colorado the taser stay in the barracks. And then he told me that these things aren't actually legal in all states in the state that my duty station was in they were perfectly legal. He did this over and over again because he didn't want me to run into trouble with civilian police officers he doesn't want that to happen to any of his soldiers because it reflects badly on him. That was a hundred years ago and I thought maybe the laws of change and those tasers were okay at this point in time. But I'm starting to think that they are not legal in all states to this day. I received one of those tasers yesterday. The words of my first sergeant repeated in my head don't you take that over the Border. I was going to go and try to find out if it was they were legal here in Texas and decided I didn't have enough energy considering how sick I got yesterday after being poisoned. So I left it in the usual spot investigators to investigate

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