It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Minions, foreign agents, citizen based agents, finders ex cons brain washed

Cameron is staying at the GI Forum he has been involved in stalking and harassing for more than a year. He was in the Marines his first sergant grabbed his poetry and journals and went to the CO they decided he was unfit to be a soldier. I have never heard of such a thing I have talked to him a lot and he does not seem to be unbalanced. I think they found out he is a foreign agent and found any excuse to get him out of the military. He delivers pizza for dominos downtown. He said his bike was at his grandparents house they brought it to him. There are so many foreign agents, finders, minions and pets that are born and raised here all this gets confusing. Like my ex husband he was born here. His father was not born here and he was connected to foreign agents and dirty CIA when he was working at TRW. Knowing his father was not born here I wonder when he was really connected with the new world order agent demons.??
His father was an alcoholic when we were kids and that is another common thread of spies and minions, substance abuse. I use to say a lot. If they are such wastes of life constantly high and drunk how do they pose a threat to our nation or democracy? Well they do because of that substance abuse they are willing and ready to kill. Because they are always wasted they are not smart enough or coherent enough to understand they will be killed to eliminate the liability the witness. Tie up those loose ends and dead weight.
Many of these minions Finders Pat's trained dogs have all had attempts on their lives some of them have been hit by automobiles many of them survive this and they're put back out in the streets they're told that they have to continue to cooperate with this investigation one of them is walking towards me right now after they survive the car accidents and their brush with death they like to blame me and they feel that foreign agents and dirty CIA made an attempt on their lives because of me and that's just not true. They are told that they are in trouble serious trouble with the law because they had been stalking and harassing me and they blame that on me too I know I'm repeating myself but I just keep seeing it every day all day long they're calling me names and swearing at me I didn't try to make an attempt on your life I'm not trying to kill you I'm not stalking and harassing you in the manner in which you are stalking and harassing me you're the criminal not me but yet you blame me because you know is that your life is in danger they want you dead it has nothing to do with me

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