It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Travis Park Closed?

A picture says a thousand words therefore I don't have to look look look look at how closed Travis Park is not the park is completely full of people sitting down and laying down  and there's seven police cruisers surrounding the park  two bike cops also arrived as if 7 wasn't enough . It appeared as though two officers are running an incident report  the rest of them are sitting in their police cruisers blocking traffic  plain as day you can see all the people in the park and these 9 to 10 police officers are not removing anybody from the park they are not approaching a single soul telling them that the park is closed .  There's one woman laying on the sidewalk which is considered camping no ticket was written no officer approached her and told her she couldn't lay down there's another man laying by a tree  which is also a form of camping  no officer approached him nothing was said to him . So do you think that the police officers were harassing me and bothering me when they kicked me out of the park . As I said before they're underlining agenda  ways to get me to stop posting to this blog and stop sending emails to President Trump and Governor Abbott and because they're trying so hard to get me to stop I'm going to turn up the volume 

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