It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Landa Gardens Good Samaritian

Last year I was Atlanta Gardens I was staying here because I was flushed here I was convinced that I was no longer welcome on the property of the churches and I wasn't able to get food that's what Chief McMann is dead and all of his dirty cops. As I stayed at the land of gardens I had no food and I was slowly starving to death didn't know what to do had no way of getting any money or food. All of the neighbors of land of gardens were contacted by the chief City officials and all of the disgusting pigs that work in the city the foreign agents these people were told to walk by walk their dogs jog past stalking and harassing they were also instructed not to speak to me and don't help me.. one particular older gentleman and his wife walk there to dogs every day sometimes more than once a day just so they can walk past me and do favors for foreign agents that work in our city. In case anybody's wondering this is called collusion it's called treason is punishable by Death they were colluding with foreign agents to attack our democracy and if that wasn't bad enough wait until you hear what they did.
The man decided one day to give me $40 knowing that I had gone more than 5 days without food. I was convinced I was going to die. I didn't know what I was going to do this went on for weeks I'll get a little bit of food here in a little bit of food there not enough to sustain life and if it went on for more than a month then I would die. As a man was giving me $40 because I said that I hadn't eaten in so many days when he asked his wife began to throw a loud disgusting fit. She kept saying over and over again we are not supposed to help her we can not do that. This sick woman had every intention of watching me starve to death simply because city of Fishel told her to that's how sick she is that's what kind of a sociopath she is and then she's going to argue with her husband saying he cannot help people out he cannot help somebody to keep them from starving to death think about how sick this woman is now times it by 50 because that's exactly what's in this neighborhood surrounding the land of gardens all of these kind of sick so she'll path that are willing to poison people willing to watch one woman starve to death. As they gang up on her to do City officials of favor. Many of them were laughing in my face. Think about how sick and self-righteous these creatures are that have no soul.
The man that decided to be a Good Samaritan and give me $40 he was attacked by the city code enforcement came to his home and said that he was in violation the driveway or some such thing there was nothing wrong with the driveway there was nothing wrong with the house he was being attacked because he was not allowed to help me oh here comes another one watching a woman starved to death because that's how sick they are the city officials tell them to stalking her ass and gang up on one person and that's exactly what they do little puppets without a soul without a mind of your own you better get back in your house where you belong.
Yes I really was yelling at somebody with that was stalking and harassing me how dare I what are heartless soulless b****.
So anyway the only reason the Good Samaritan help me with so that investigating agents could watch the city attack him and that's exactly what happened they just wanted to play a game just set up the mayor and all of his city council and all of his little puppets that work in City Hall. It wasn't about helping me or keeping me from starving to death. It was just a game to play with City Hall and now I have to go to the same thing again

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