It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

ramon juan vasquez

Monday, February 27, 2017

 of course they would send Raymond Vasquez at me cuz this man is a complete monster and he has been attacking me for seven years he has a non-profit who he claims is contributing to the community but what that nonprofit is actually doing is breaking many laws. He ask for contributions from the community fundraising he does telling people that he's helping Indians and he's helping children these are all lies he's not doing any of those things he is attacking mother's emancipating them from their children and putting them with abusive fathers. He manipulates the court system has dirty politicians as friends to help put children in abusive situations where they then lose contact of their mothers and have no relationship with her mother children need a relationship with both parents but this monster doesn't understand that he likes to help fathers no matter how abusive they are father who have criminal records of domestic violence fathers who have been removed from the home by CPS this monster takes children and puts them with these fathers or should I say monsters this man Raymond Vasquez then covers up all the evidence of the abuse of these fathers when Mother's call him to find out why they can't see their children or talk to their children the man delivers disgusting excuses that don't make any sense they're not going to make any sense to the entire nation or the entire world when they find out what you've been doing you're a very sick man and you just remember one thing you are representing all the Indians in Texas and when people find out what a monster you are that's going to be the reflection of all Indians in Texas the fact that you are criminally insane that you are sick people will judge all the Texas Indians according to your behavior and your crimes. You are a traitor to our nation you are colluding with Russian agents and Chinese spies you're a sick man and you just remember that treason is punishable by Death and don't think you're going to get away with it because for 7 years you've been attacking me so far as I'm concerned you're going to get at least seven years in prison chances are you're going to get much more which will tickle me pink.
 when I saw this monster at Starbucks and saw him talking to another man that other man look like an attorney he had that sharp useless look so I went outside to ask man why he was talking to the monster Raymond Vasquez and he jumped in his vehicle and said he could not talk to me you recognize me or I recognize you too you're a stalker in harasser and I still believe that you're an attorney. This is my message to you if you think that you are going to represent Vasquez and actually get him off you must be the dumbest attorney that the state of Texas has ever seen first of all you're going up against Robert Mueller there isn't a defense attorney stupid enough to go up against Robert Mueller second of all I think it's a conflict of interest considering the crimes that you've been committing against me you better worry about your own indictment and stop trying to represent other people and get them off it's not going to happen you're just sinking your own ship go ahead though because it's very comical for me to sit back and watch

Ramon Vasquez director of AIT-SCM stalking

I was being stalked and harassed while driving my taxi this vehicle was sitting next to my taxi for more than 30 minutes and then it was chasing me I was able to get behind him and get a picture. The FBI told me to do this and I was getting as many of this pictures as possible.
He and his son were doing this to me since I got off the Grey Hound bus in April 2014 they had all their pals following me on the river walk and when I was working as a waitress they were coming and the hostess would put the predators in my section.  

Isaac Cardenas May 1st 2014 and then he continued well into the years

I was here less than a week and Isaac Cardenas followed me offered me a ride asked if I would have sex for money and the following morning he was sitting outside the hotel I was staying at. I was talking to Greg on the phone and he was on his way to the Hotel --the relax inn on Roosevelt ave--I told him the man was sitting outside the hotel and he told me to call the cops acting innocent as if he didn't know who it was. He then immediately called Isaac Cardenas and told him I was calling Police and Isaac left. 
I had no idea who he was and that he founded the AIT SCAM non-profit and the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign non-profit it took months before I learned this. 
Think about the kind of man that would chase and stalk a woman who came to San Antonio with nothing knowing no body so she could fight for her children. This is a very sick man. 
He asked me while I was in his pick up truck if I had came here to steal my children and leave the state? That is the lye Gregory Marshall was telling all his pals. I told Isaac at that time I needed to rebuild myself get an attorney and go to a court of law. Even after this man was informed that I was going to do everything I had to do for my children in a perfectly legal manner as I walked firmly in line with my good book he continued to stalk and harass me. He followed me and then began sending several young men to follow me all over the city. His employee Ramon Vasquez sent his father and son on mothers day following me around. 
These men were desperately trying to find me guilty of things like shop lifting and prostitution. I am shocked they did not send anyone at me for jay walking. Even if I had a slip here or there of not being completely righteous I know I will never have committed any sort of serious crimes like these men have been doing for years. 
I am thoroughly convinced that I am not the only mother that has been attacked in this manner but I vow to make sure that no other mother will ever be attacked in this manner again by these men or any other. 
It is sad for me to see and be forced to except the reality that there are so many Non-profits in the city of San Antonio claiming to provide services that improve and help the community and what they are doing is breaking laws and hurting and crippling the community.    

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign

The San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign took my children and gave them to their father Gregory J Marshall who is abusive and was removed from our family home by CPS I call begging to see my children and all members of the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign say you will never see your children again it has been 3 and half years since I have seen my children and because of the corruption of the Castro Brothers. When I sent a email to the mayors office ramon vasquez was chasing me in his auto I gave a picture of his plate to officers. His son broke into my home and did damage and he was following me all over downtown and then was walking around my house taking pictures


I moved into a home on Hot Wells Rd. In June of 2015. I had an agreement with the owner and turn it into a daycare. She wasn't as easy to deal with as I thought she would be.
While living in the home I was followed and when cleaning and remodeling the windows were open and their was a young man walking around the home taking pictures of me through the windows. I recognized him as Ramon Vasquez Jr this young man had been following me for more than a year already and I originally recognized him from website photos and Facebook. 

The home had been broke into while I was at work and a hole was made under the kitchen sink to allow an opossum access to the house. This animal have rabbit bytes and the house became infected myself and a cat that stayed sometimes all were infected and unfortunately I am still struggling with this affliction it was caused by the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign. 
The owners name is Teri and while I was staying at this home fixing it Teri was contacted by the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign and she let the electricity be shut off even though another tenant and I gave her money to pay it. She revoked her agreement to build a daycare together shortly after talking to the Fatherhood Campaign. 

I went to stay with a friend after leaving the Hot Wells home. 

In my Magnolia Home they did the same thing broken in and broke a hole under the sink letting in the opossum living under the house. 
Geno the maintenance man came to fix it however he had received a call from Officer Flores telling Geno the same ole' warn out lies that I was insane. Geno refused to give them the copies of keys to the new locks I had put in. 

Monday, February 27, 2017

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