It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Karri Robertson and Greg Marshall

During the first two months of 2014 Karri Robertson and Gregory Marshall were creating false facebook profiles with the intent of sending messages that appeared to be from me. These were nasty threatening emails to people I did not even know and when they began to surface to damage my character I traced them to the source and what I found was there were Facebook pages created with my name and my mothers’ picture, profiles created with my picture and my mothers name, at some point my grandmothers name was name was used as well. I was livid I confronted my daughter Ariel telling her it was very disrespectful to her grandmother and great grandmother and she needed to stop immediately. Honestly I do not know Ariel’s part in all this. I knew who was doing it because the pictures that were being used were from one of the two laptops that had been stolen by Gregory Marshall from our family home when CPS removed him. He told CPS investigating agent he was packing his things upstairs when he took the lap tops those pictures that were being used to create the fake facebook profiles exist only on that red laptop(gateway), I knew it was him and their was conformation from my little boy Aadyan that Karri Robertson was helping. He was hearing Karri on the phone with Gregory when he would visit the Robertson home. Aadyan was very concerned with all this and he kept telling me what was happening so I could do something unfortunately neither my son nor I understood the large entity of demons we were up against to stay together as a family.
This issue came up during my testimony against Jerry Alexander you see some messages had been sent to him or some such thing and I had no knowledge of it. I found only two of them on a profile that I had not been using for years. The messages I found were sent to a woman I did not know and to me those messages didn’t even make any sense. During my testimony against Jerry Alexander it became clear to me why Gregory and Karri were playing with facebook in this manner they wanted to ruin my character and my testimony against Jerry. They were hoping they could print these messages that I had never laid eyes on and give them to Tamer Morsi to use against me. You can bet majority of this idea was him. Just like telling the courts I had a passport for myself and my children. It is very easy to prove this is a lie it is very easy to prove I have never had a passport and have never applied for one. How embarrassing for him and the Castro Brothers I guess because he is not from this country he didn’t think of that to be proven as a lie.
Jerry Alexander’s defense attorney wanted to have copies of the numerous fake facebook profiles that had been created but I did not print them I had no clue those profiles had anything to do with Jerry Alexander, how nice Greg and Karri were trying to help their friend stay out of prison….WOW

Jerry Alexander is a puppet of foreign agents and dirty CIA. CIA sociopaths like pedophiles.
I had his parole officer and her supervisor in my kitchen they were trying to figure out how his record had been erased not even they could find it. They went to the FBI who already knew what was happening. Remember they started watching Gregory Marshall in 2001 and this is one of the many laws he breaking with the help of foreign agents. They and Paul Beggs talked to FBI and that is why Paul Beggs knew that I was about to go through living hell. You were right Paul! This is living hell. Paul was well aware of the extreme abuse I suffered and my children suffered during that marriage as well. I had a lot of doubters but when you have FBI agents confirming the abuse it has a way of eliminating the doubters.  

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