It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, October 26, 2019

21 year old sapd suicidal officer quit

I may have posted this already but I think we should explore it further while I was having a conversation with a 21 year old child he continuously rambled on about how attractive he is calling himself hot. Over and over again he was repeating how when he's at the club dancing with women they all compliment him. So many women want him according to him. It's been my experience that anybody who has to boost their ego in this manner calling themselves attractive and hot has performance issues. If his self-esteem and love of self is based on whether or not people find him attractive if it's based on how many women are willing to dance with him on a dance floor he has some serious self-esteem issues and some serious performance issues. And I've been on the earth for a long time and I've met a lot of people with narcissistic personality disorder just like this one. So in other words ladies I am giving you a fair warning he may be nice to look at but that's probably all he's good for your going to end up very frustrated in the bedroom just be forewarned don't let it go any further because some of these are not trainable and I'm seeing that he is not trainable. He doesn't even have cognitive reasoning enough to realize what does work and what doesn't work he continuously repeats the same things over again those things that never did work before. Apparently his narcissistic personality is so out of control he actually thinks that he can do the things that everybody else did before him that never worked. And for some odd reason this little boy thinks that he can make it work where others failed to make it work. Those are some serious issues that's an indication that he is unteachable. And all of us women know that you don't want an unteachable man in the bedroom hear clear. Oh God did I say man I meant little boy

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