It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Voting June 9th 2019

There's a couple of Agents there working at City Hall during voting for the mayor's election. I saw them a couple of times for example when Roberto Trevino at a meeting at the library informing everybody that he plans on spending $1000000 on storefronts that are not needed and ignoring all of the historic buildings that need to be refurbished.
I thought those agents were actually good Agent undercover doing an investigation of the collusion with foreign agents that all of City Hall is guilty of. Now that it is nearly a November I'm seeing them in a new light.
When I went to vote one of those agents was sitting there she was acting as if she was overseeing the vote count. Yeah she was overseeing it all right my ballad was a blank valid and it was manipulated to read as if I had voted for Ron Nuremberg I wonder who changed it? The people running the voting station tried to talk me into doing a change of address. They said it wouldn't go into effect until November. I made the statement that I would probably be done here in San Antonio by November. That undercover agent was laughing. Here it is November and I'm still out here I'm still being tortured I'm still being poisoned my children are still being abused. It's obvious that the undercover agent working at City Hall New something that I didn't know that I would never be done that I would die out here. Apparently she find it funny that I am being poisoned that I'm being tortured but I'm being stalked and harassed. The other thing that she finds to be funny is that my children are being tortured brainwashed poisoned and they have to grow up without a mother that's how sick this woman is. The African-American woman who I thought was a good guy is actually a monster. She's a very sick woman who find it funny that three small children are being tortured and abused she finds it funny that I think that I'm ever going to see any kind of Justice and that people like her are going to go to prison where they belong. She may be right it looks like I'm not going to see any justice and I'm not going to make it out of this alive but I don't see how any of this is funny and I don't see how the rest of America is going to see your tumor and torturing three small children and killing their mother. I don't see how funny you think you are I see how sick you are and the rest of America is going to see that as well. Of course I won't live to see all this take place but I am confident it will happen. America and world will know you manipulated the elections and you are so monstrous you thought the torture of three small children was funny your very sick all medication in world can make you right.

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