It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, August 19, 2019

Tamer Morsi

Concerning the Morsi Family at 14347 Markham Lane. 78247
Tamer Morsi of the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign acts in both an unethical and illegal manner.
 In a divorce case he represented his co-worker and he put in that court order that the mother had a passport and she had obtained passports for her children and it was a blatant lie. His client professed that was my attorney’s idea he wanted the courts to believe that she was a flight risk. I am sure that is what his own family would do because they all have passports.
Then he went on to advise his client to file false police reports making officers believe that his client was a victim of domestic violence when in fact his client had been removed from his families home by CPS because He was found to be abusive. When Tamer Morsi advised his client to force his way back into the family home the daycare that was running in the home and the only source of income for a family of 6 was forced shut and soon the bills piled and the family became destitute.
Then Tamer Morsi went into a court of law told many slanderous lies about the opposing party (the mother), and her children were taken from her. To date this mother has not seen or talked to her children in two years.
Tamer Morsi has called the opposing party in this case threatened her on numerous occasions, he himself and several others he asked to followed this women around the city of San Antonio terrorizing and harassing her. Some of the vehicles that were seen and recorded following her were registered to Abdelazim Morsi and Samantha Cruz Morsi. This man does not know the difference between wright and wrong there are no boundaries he will not cross. He is repeatedly telling anyone who will listen that the mother, (the opposing party in his case), is insane and he has been heard telling anyone that will listen that this woman drinks and does drugs and he is lying about this as well.
 In this case the judge declared that it would be almost impossible to enforce because it was so poorly written that it did not make any sense and she nearly threw out of a court of law at that time.
During the March 4th hearing Tamer Morsi included into evidence a letter received by the mother from Senators office. Perhaps it is evidence that the mother is a resident of the city of San Antonio and she has the right to talk to her senator? It baffles the healthy mind why this man does the things he does. Also during this time he wanted to have this woman held in contempt of court and serve possible jail time because she had made a large sign that said “Mom Luvs You”. Then she hung it where her children could see it. In Tamer Morsi’s sick mind this mother was such a bad person because she wanted her children to know that she luvs them. During the March 4th hearing Tamer Morsi was in a court of law stating she (the opposing party), is saying BAD stuff about me. He was asked to focus on the children involved in this case however he was unable to move his focus off himself and on the case and the three children who are hurting because they have lost their mother all thanks to this sick man and all the other members of the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign. What everyone who attended the court that day could hear was poor me boo hoo. His demeanor and vocabulary was much like a child. It was almost impossible to see this man had any education at all 

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