It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, August 31, 2019

August 31st Episcopal Church at their sidewalk Saturday.

Conveniently George was not there and Justin went out of his way to make an excuse for him.
When I walked up to the church I found two different people outside crying. They could only share that it was simply everything that is going on that is happening. I have no idea. One of them said that they actually do have a heart and that is the problem. Well that statement was very confusing these are the people that have been attacking me. I wanted to console them but I am on my last leg I can not go any further I am drained, I am convinced now that I will never see my children again and I truly will not make it out of this alive. To learn that the CIA is made up of sociopathic demons is very hard to take. I am meant to fight against thousands of CIA operatives just so I can be with my children again? I can't fill others kool aide if I haven't made any to give away. The criers told me to go in because they were all waiting for me and expecting me. That's strange why would these demons be waiting for me? The room seemed sullen however I am very down I am done.
People were wishing me blessings OK whatever. How amazing these people have been attacking me for years they have been chasing me all over the city treating me like dirty when I come to the church and now you demons care if I am feeling like giving up? You want to keep me around for your entertainment so you can continue to torture me and play games with my head so you can read my journal and see how well you are able to warp my reality? That has to be it because you have proven you are heartless demons. Cheryl says that it is good to see me? Cheryl is one of the many who have been attacking me. MATT was there and he is a demon who enjoys reading my journal if I leave it on the table, then the demon ridicules me about it's content and telling others that he thinks I am insane because of what is in my journal. I think you are insane attacking a mother fighting for her children I think you are completely loopy because you have no Virtues and no Morals to keep your ugly nose out of my journal. I can not stand Matt I was staring him down ready to ask him if he would like to read my journal because he is such child he thinks this violation is perfectly OK. He was very angry and he went to great lengths to avoid eye contact. It' amazing I didn't know sociopaths experienced guilty but that is what Matt was displaying. He was angry yet another angry with me because he may or may not be is serious legal trouble. NO EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE. Your a grown man you own what you have done and you do not make me own your crimes you pig.
When I was sitting one of the older volunteers approached me asking what was wrong asking to pray for me. OK? Then he asked me if I knew about the Alpha House? I have been instructed to go to this place by the Castro Brothers and they had nothing good planned for me. They were talking to the women that live their who are in recovery and they have every intention of attacking me. I told him the story of how the Trinity Church owns it and the Church attacked me threatening me telling me that I am not allowed to tell anyone that their employees were attacking me helping the Castro Brothers and dirty city officials and dirty police officers. I don't care if he believes me but he felt the need to tell me he does not think I am insane. OK? Thanks for the information I did not ask for. Why would I care if you think I am insane? I explained to him if Trinity Church wants to keep it a secret that their employees are bullies and criminals they will have to threaten the FBI into keeping the secret and keeping the evidence hidden. The sick employees of Trinity Church think it easier to attack me and tell me that if I keep telling my story I will no longer be allowed at their church. You can not threaten me into submission and you are not people of God trying to control others and using scare tactics that abusers use on their victims. Was it my ex husband telling you to use these tactics or are you abusive men and women?
I don't know who talked to this church and what they know about my story but I am curious why this older volunteer thinks I need prayer from a man that does not even know God does not even walk within in the word? Why should I go stay at a drug rehab house when I am not an addict and I was forced to the streets by Chief McManus, Mayor Nirenberg, Julian and Joaquin Castro...why do I have to be out here? Why should I be forced to these violate homes and shelters? Who does this church volunteer think he is anyway what kind game you playing at? It looks to me like you are helping Obama and the Clintons to get me into an environment that would cause my death. Who the hell is telling these demons that I should go to these various homes run dirty non profits and various sociopaths in the city? Barack you are a very sick sociopath what the HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING? I WILL RUIN THAT MAN"S REPUTATION BECAUSE HE WAS TRYING TO MANIPULATE ME AT MY WEAKEST MOMENT. MISSING MY KIDS REALIZING I HAVE NO I CAN TRUST BECAUSE CIA ARE DEMONS AND THEY ARE CONTROLLED LIKE PUPPETS ON A STRING.
Well Barack Obama it is time to pull your head out of your ass because the Trinity Church refused to consider me for the Alpha home they would not even direct me to the proper people to talk to and they would not give me an application. Let me tell you how unaware the staff of Trinity Baptist are they asked me if I stay there! You own that place you don't know if I stay there? You have an inability to look in your computers to see if I stay there or they are that incompetent. They were accusing me of being a drug user to save themselves from being guilty of serious crimes as they attack an innocent mother fighting for her children, they were manipulating their church to help dirty politicians they knew what they were doing was against man's law and God's law and they did it anyway. My enemies wanted me to believe that these people were simply playing a part in the investigation to save democracy. I allowed my enemies to believe I thought these people were anything more than demons, create confusion? Two can play that game. However I am one person and all those gas lighting me are many sociopaths with the mentality levels of High School Children. 

Right no I am seeing a repeat of all the things that were done while I was in the house and shortly after I exited the house so which sociopath have you brought back on the scene stupid enough to think they will be able to accomplish now what they were unable to accomplish two and half years ago. THAT IS SO STUPID>>>YOU PEOPLE ARE TRULY MORONS
All this crap smells like Julian and Joaquin Castro you morons think they are capable LMAO your all screwed you will go down even faster by putting your lives in their hands.

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