It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

August 28th another day of starvation

It seems to me the agents who joined the game today have little to no understanding about what a psychological hardship it is to not know where your next meal is coming from.
Out loud I reviewed all the places I might be able to go to get food without money and realized that all those places have poisoned not only me but all homeless people who try to use their services.
So now I continue to beg to be pulled to safety to no prevail. I have no money and no way to get money and no food all those places I have eaten and received drinks have drugged me. I finally have been able to flush my body of the toxins and I do not want to eat and drink more toxins yet again.
The rest of the homeless should not want the food that is poisoned but they are hungry and unaware of the poison, that is slowly killing them all.
I had agents coming into the Starbucks and they are trying to make themselves known to my enemies. One man was sent to scream at me for taking pictures, even if I wasn't taking pictures of him. They have done this over and over again. I got lucky he was on the road rolling down his window looking for me and I wasn't outside. This is upsetting that these Latinos think that it is perfectly ok to threaten people when they are doing nothing wrong. In fact all these people are breaking the law and I need the pictures to ever getting justice.
So when two agents showed up at Starbucks laughing watching me take pictures I was not amused. First of all in Lincoln Heights they all sociopaths ganging up on one woman, and second of all do you know what it is like to not eat and have no where to get food and money? Is that funny? I am in pain and all my wounds are becoming infected I can not get medical attention and I am constantly in pain nothing relieving it. These wounds are leaving scars every where and I have to see when looking in the mirror and when I try to get antibiotics Obama, Hillary Clinton, & Castro Brothers call doctors and make sure I can not get medical care or the meds that will cause the healing I so desperately need.
When I beg for relief and beg for food and shelter the agents that ignore me and can not even see fit to give me ten dollars in some secret or other way are the same heartless little girls full of themselves laughing at me taking pictures while they but 6.00 dollar drinks with tax payers money.
HA HA she is taking pictures of the agents who refuse to help her watching her suffer and starve to death. All the agents now join in stalking and they can't even hand her a dollar or ten. HA HA it's so funny how this mother is suffering and being tortured while her children whom she does not the location of are being abused. HA HA it's so funny as all of us listen to her begging to get some help for her children who are being abused. Allow me to stand here and laugh at her while I take tax payers dollars as my pay check well aware three small children are being seriously abused. Allow me to stand here and laugh knowing she has know no food and she has no where to get food because surly that does not effect a person's Psyche and I will just stand here laughing while watching her taking those pictures well aware that foreign agents are piggy backing onto the pictures to enter her phone knowing where she is and playing psychological games. I will add a picture of the auto the laughers were in and when I finally am done with this I will make the nation knows exactly who all these agents are that eat and drink in front of me knowing I have nothing. Ethics counseling? NO SORRY YOUR FIRED. You have no empathy to understand other people's pain and you think my situation is funny? How would you like to starve to near death? Well I will let GOD take my vengeance and maybe you will be tortured and starved. You don't two shits that my children are being beat on they are being psychologically tortured you cold callous self centered twenty somethings why don't you stand their and laugh. Do you want to be respected in your career? Do you want people to recognize you as authority Well laughing at me and my pain is going to make it very difficult for you to achieve these wants that you don't know how to earn. The agent sitting outside had empathy and apathy but the twenty somethings didn't have professionalism and empathy. Years of experience you do not have. 


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