It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Robert De Niro outspoken so Hillary targeted him

Lou Dobbs was spot on about the pipe bomb being fake and fake news. Hillary Clinton did this she schemed up the entire pipe bombing trying to frame President Trump for creating violent crimes. 
Hillary Clinton sent the pipe bombs and they were never going to go off. Barack Obama was well aware of this scheme and he did not protest. 
See the interviews with Hillary see how she is smiling. That is not a person whose life was threatened, after that happened she should have believed that it could happen again but you see she was well aware it WAS NOT going to happen again. 
Hillary had every intention of framing me for the crimes of the pipe bombings, she couldn't do it because I had been thrown in jail for something I did not do by the dirty officers that were suppose to be helping her commit crimes. The left hand did not know what the right hand was doing. (Of course there is more to that) She had a huge angry outburst and she was screaming, yelling, and throwing things I wish there was a recording, maybe there is. Silly me while I was laying in jail I thought someone was upset about me being arrested falsely and they were sticking up for me. OMG NO, I didn't know what the outburst was all about until I got out of jail I only received a couple hints here and there. When I saw what was happening while I was in jail I found that to be mysteriously coincidental. Hillary could not possibly frame me for it I was in jail there was no way of her getting rid of me this way and she kept trying over and over again.
The man that was arrested never had his hands on any pipe bombs he is completely innocent. That man was found by Hillary's pals in Florida fellow dirty politicians. The man was just a Trump supporter and I wonder if she figured out a way to make the van more dramatic. The van was a big part of the step up when arresting him. 
It is Hillary Clinton, Julain Castro, Joaquin Castro and Barack Obama who belong in Prison. That is exactly what is going to happen.  

Our former CIA director knew what she was doing before she followed through and he also knew who the scape goat was me!!
Unfortunately many CIA operatives have been help Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama commit crimes and cover their crimes. 
Those CIA operatives that are dirty took the lead in the investigation her in San Antonio this was done purposely so they would be committing many serious crimes unencumbered. This was done so their comrades could stand back watching them until it was time to wrap up the investigation and edict the traders to our nation. I refuse to believe that all CIA Operatives are criminals I believe some are working as double to catch their own and that must be very hard for them. 

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