It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

 Gonzalez was out again last night. All Night Long by the way around stalking you watching my every move.
I wonder if she thinks that she's actually helping her situation because from where I'm sitting she is making it that much worse the amount of crimes she's committed amount of sentencing she will get everybody get out your calculator because she is compounding her problem.
This is a mother of three small children and she is out here attacking a mother fighting to be with her children does everybody see how sick she is? And what do you have to offer your children what do you plan on teaching them that stalking and harassing somebody and hunting them like an animal is perfectly okay the fact that my children are trapped in abuse is abuse okay Shirley? Didn't you become a city council member and take a load off and doesn't that oath include upholding the Constitution of the United States but yet you're colluding with foreign agents who are attacking our Constitution and trying to overthrow our government and overtake our country I guess the oath that you took meant nothing or you just don't have enough brain enough to understand what the oath meant the meaning the definition.
The city of San Antonio residents trusted you and they looked up to you they thought that you were serving their best interest a woman who thinks that children should be trapped in abuse just so she can get laid by their father. This is not a woman who can be trusted this is not a woman with virtues ethics or morals and that's exactly what we need on city council and you don't have any of those qualities the characteristics that make a good person. So why don't you go ahead and follow me around all night long watching my every move what are your intentions exactly you plan on getting into a physical altercation what are you hoping to gain. That I won't testify against you I don't have to testify against you there are NSA agents and FBI agents that can testify against you and they have all of the evidence of all of your crimes following me around just proves that you are completely mentally unstable too unstable to a be a member of society.

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