It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Chief William McManus he's not Chief anymore let's just call him wrinkles

So after the library close I decided to go to H-E-B in other words my same exact routine because I'm a creature of habit. While I was at HEB guess who shows up Chief William McManus I mean wrinkles McManus. Of course I had already left the store thank goodness and a police officer soon showed up to confront wrinkles McManus about his behavior and stalking and harassing me. I think it's safe to assume that he normally never uses that HEB he most certainly doesn't use it while I'm there. After losing his job apparently that was my fault too I'm not the one that committed the crimes buddy boy I'm just the one that you committed the crimes against see how that works you know the difference between a criminal and a victim well that's amazing that we had a man running a police department that doesn't know the difference between a criminal and a victim. I'm not the judge of it but I'm not sure that you understand the law and I'm not sure you have any respect for the law either. I can plainly see that you have severe narcissistic personality disorder and sociopathic tendencies that's obvious it's been obvious for a long time.
After wrinkles McManus was confronted by a police officer and told to stop doing what he was doing he then drove down McCullough following me as I walk down the road towards the Quarry. I lied to myself and told myself it wasn't really him but it was. When I got to the Quarry he continuously drove through I was unable to stop oh now I know why they were up early telling me to take pictures I didn't see it.
Of course I couldn't look to the security at the Quarry to help me at all because these are the men and women who helped Chief McManus commit crimes against me these people act extremely moronic they're kind of like animals one of them approached me one day and told me he found urine. Can you imagine being stupid enough to repeat that stupid statement. You just can't do anything but laugh it's really not funny it's sickening and very concerning but there's nothing else you can do but laugh.
So last night I made it very clear to Chief McManus I could care less if he's following me around I don't care I do however care about the gun that he's carrying with him I care about the gun that's following me around and the highly insane man who has that weapon in his possession. If he was unarmed he would just be proving how unstable and strange he is but he's an armed man.
I have no idea what his intentions were but at one point while I was sitting at the Starbucks in the Quarry he was sitting at the stop sign which is just feet from where I was sitting. Sat at that stop sign for so long there was a line of people behind him beeping erratically trying to get him to move so they can get it out. Finally he pulled across into the gap. And then he sat in that parking lot watching I'm not really sure what his intentions were or what he was going to do but that looks like the behavior of a man who is trying to work up the courage to take someone's life. You're going to sit in the parking lot staring at me and what kind of self-talk is happening inside that little head of yours? Are you trying to convince yourself you just have to pull it out and fire one round? Do you think this is helping your situation because from where I'm sitting you're making your situation that much worse just like Shirley Gonzalez you are compounding the problem.
It seems to me that wrinkles McManus thinks that if I'm eliminated then all of his problems are gone. I'm sorry nothing could be further from the truth I could die right now and you might eliminate my testimony and I say might because of all the recordings but you still have to contend with the NSA the FBI and several other of our intelligence agencies and all the crimes they've watched with their own eyes and all of that evidence that's been documented. Eliminating me really doesn't do you any good. I don't think you understand that you're looking at hundreds of Agents who are going to make sure you go to prison for a very long time. But you go right ahead and keep following me all over the city and see what other testimony they will bring to a court of law. You go ahead and keep doing it and see what the agents have to tell the judge the jury and the Nation about what they saw you doing. Are you really unstable enough and naive and gullible and no to think the these investigating agents are watching you? With that said or asked how is it you lost your job? So it was the officers on your Force. Oh I get it you really don't know that there are agents watching you oh you're so sweet and simple.

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