It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Andrew a minion who poisoned me and nearly killed me at the HEB August 23rd

Andrew was sent to the HEB while I was sitting on the bench after I had purchased a couple of items. When I was approaching the HEB I was told not to go there but it was raining out and I didn't feel like walking through the rain. There are many customers inside the HEB that were acting peculiar and odd lots of dirty looks. Once again we have the emotionally unintelligent residents of San Antonio blaming me because they are in serious legal trouble. It's not my fault honey you broke the law I didn't break the law and then frame you for it. You broke the law you made those choices stop giving me dirty looks because you're going to be held accountable for being a sociopath.
 then when I was sitting outside Andrew came walking up to me as I was taking pictures of the planes and helicopters that were there to stalk and harass me. He became upset asked me if I took his picture unfortunately I didn't miss that picture. I said not yet as in if I feel like taking a picture of you it will get done. As you can imagine I can't stand this man he told me to go back to Michigan to stop fighting for my children because the Castro Brothers wanted me out of here so it would stop recording the evidence of harassment stalking and the people sent to take my life. Their solution to this problem is to just get me to go away I'm never going away until you go to prison until you get life sentences and it will happen. Andrew had given me to poison cigarettes that nearly ended my life yes you can say that I don't like him. Andrew was parked in a parking lot where I was laying down for the night he was there for two hours and it wasn't the first time or only time that he had done this to me he is a creeper. And I have a picture of someone who resembles him. And if I have enough energy I'll go and get his picture today. I then asked my phone if I should call him out and all the crimes that he committed against me so I started hinting towards the fact that I knew what he had done informing him that I didn't know who it was that was parked in a parking lot across from me until an investigating agent told me. Over and over again I had to repeat this man an FBI agent gave me the information otherwise I would have no way of knowing the truth. He's a simpleton and it never really got into his brain cuz he's that stupid that useless says that he's from Germany. Then why are you doing favors for Russia? he's the one that told me that Barack Obama is gay and a criminal. he's the one that told me to go to YouTube and look for the video and I found it to my phone shut down three times before I actually found it because it was being blocked. An innocent person does not block these kind of things if you're innocent and you're not guilty of all these things including being gay then it would roll off your back and you would say yeah those are rumors those are jokes but that's not what happened you shut down my phone that indicates you are guilty and the information is genuine.
 I informed Andrew that Chief McManus lost his job I don't know if he did or not but I was gaslighted into believing that he did because there was two police cruisers at his house everybody saw the post right? Andrew wanted to know what he had been charged with what criminal charges he hasn't been charged with anything stupid and it hasn't been arrested either. but just because he hasn't been arrested at this point in time doesn't mean that he's not going to prison because he most certainly is going to prison for a very long time but Andrew can't get that through his thick skull cuz that's how stupid he is he's well aware of the crimes that Chief McManus is committed because he is one of Chief McManus has trained dogs.
 Andrew said he was going to go into HEB and get me a sandwich and a Coke obviously I'm not going to accept any food or drink from this man as I said before he gave me two cigarettes that nearly ended my life. I was told to leave and I did too of course I was frightened as I walked away he's in an automobile and I'm on foot and he's been known to chase me all over the city he's been known to sit in a parking lot for 2 hours watching me trying to build up the courage to end my life do you think I was scared when I was walking quickly away from this psychopath? Course I was. and you can bet he was instructed to take my life he's received these instructions before and thank God he's too much of a loser to follow through and get it done

 Andrew looks just like the man pictured here in this YouTube video except Andrew wears glasses 

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