It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Eric Holder

As I said in the previous post dirty Florida Politicians helped Hillary Clinton in so many ways included finding a fall guy for her pipe bombing mess. The man never had his hands on any pipe bombs and I most certainly never have. She needed to frame me because of years of crimes she has committed against me. Amazingly there is a lot of individuals in the city of San Antonio currently who are participating in gang stalking. Anything in the name of doing Hillary Clinton a favor and falling into her good graces. These individuals will look at criminal charges and they have effectively fell into the good graces of fellow inmate.  

Here we have the exact sentiment that Hillary Clinton, Julian Castro and Barack Obama was indenting for all Americans to agree with because they were so determined to make America hate him. For Obama it was revenge because President Trump walked around telling every media outlet that Barry wasn't born in the U.S. Barack was not born in the US and Trump was simply telling the truth.
When Joan Collins told America he was gay he talked to her doctor and she is no longer with us. If it wasn't true and he was not gay do you think he would take a life to stop the rumors.
Of course Hillary Clinton is unstable and completely insane so this is her way of getting revenge on Trump because as she says "Putin chose him and not her".
Me? I am the bait to put all of them behind bars where they belong. All of them play tug-a-war trying to manipulate me into attacking each other. You know what happens to bait!!
Did Hillary tell him to say this or is he that gullible?

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