It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, August 22, 2019


bottles/ Don

last night of minion was sent at me after I was begging to be pulled out and be pulled to safety instead I get a minion riding a bike who’s completely drunk then he shared with me that in the bottle that he’s drinking from his codeine xanax vodka and Gatorade you share this after he asked me to drink some nights alright I wasn’t born yesterday I didn’t drink it where the hell did it get those kind of drug mistreat Panhandling.
So normally I don’t talk to minions but I was feeling pretty desperate last night of course my enemies created this emotional state on purpose. Isis spent a couple of hours with Don he shared all the stories of how he’s beating on people lovely right all justified in his mind.
Finally when I was able to get him to stop talking I asked him if he had had a run-in with police officers the look on his face was shocked mixed with anger. I had to diffuse his anger to get him to continue to talk about the situation with police officers. It’s obvious they told him that he wasn’t allowed to disclose to me that he was put up to this by police officers however I’ve been doing this a long time and these minions think that they’re fooling me and they’re not. Done then told me that yes please officers pulled up on him when he was sitting at a bench tipping back his bottle. They asked him what was in the bottle he lied they told him that the bike he had looked hot. That got me to thinking about his bike I took a closer look at it and the brake lines are worn the sheath is fuzzy. He told me that his friend with the glasses bought it two days ago at Walmart but the brakes don’t work. So is Walmart selling used merchandise did the brakes break that quickly? No I think the police officers were right that’s a hot bike he stole it. So why didn’t they ticket him why didn’t they check to see if there was a report for a stolen bike? Because instead they decided to send him at me the objective of him being sent at me I’m not quite sure it could be a number of things first of all he’s panhandling and I would be busted guilt by association. He’s doing drugs he’s drinking alcohol I would be busted guilt-by-association if I were in with him. He’s toting around a stolen bike and if they decided to come back at him concerning the stolen Hot bike I would be busted guilt by association. He offered to get me some food thank God since it had been 5 days. I don’t think that the officers planned on him getting me any food. I don’t think that was his instruction he just did it out of the kindness of his heart.
When we arrived at HEB I went in to get the food and he went to the parking lot to do panhandling he’s really good at it. He has quite a way of talking people out of their money. Security was notified told him to leave the premises because panhandling is not allowed he threatened to call the cops now you can bet if it was me doing it he would have called the cops before he even confronted me. Done proceeded to tell security that his homegirl was inside the store. He asked if security could tell her where he had gone. Here’s the amazing thing people the security officer waited for me to walk out of the store and confronted me immediately knowing exactly who I was. Don didn’t say who I was the security officer already knew he was fully aware this is the same nasty security officer that’s been giving me a hard time for 3 or 4 days. The conversation I had with security officer was aloof. I said well he’s pretty belligerent isn’t he perhaps I should walk the other way. The security officer said no you have to go and be with him I don’t want him coming back to the property looking for you you have to go and be with this guy why was the security officer pushing me towards the minion because he was instructed to do so and he’s a nasty child. At one point he said I was just doing my job dude. I didn’t ask if you were just doing your job I could care less and I’m not a dude a little professionalism would be nice and stop exchanging more information than what is asked for because you just indicated your guilt that’s what liars and guilty people do.
So I took a walk with Don down to the 7-Eleven he parked the bike next to me and said that he was going to going to go talk to people there was a really a lot of people in the parking lot or getting gas he was gone for a while I wasn’t sure if he had left and left me with this hot bike but one thing’s for sure if the security officer at HEB wanted me to stay with him that’s indication I better get away from him so I walked away.

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