It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, August 30, 2019

FBI agents basking by the pool

As I walk through downtown in complete pain not knowing where my next meal is coming from needing medical attention begging to be done begging to be pulled out continuously over and over again for I have been begging for my children to be pulled out of abuse and now I have to walk around in pain starving with no money watching as lazy FBI agents are basking next to the pool and apparently I'm not supposed to get upset that they're laying around being lazy all day while I'm doing their job for them while I'm begging them to give me money and food and money they refuse to help me with my neat basic needs to sustain life while they lay around a pool are you here doing a job or is this a vacation why am I out here doing your job for you while you ignore my basic needs to sustain life you're all sociopaths and when the when this story is told to the nation the nation will know that you were nothing more than sociopaths. I've sacrificed a lot I've sacrificed my children's well-being I've sacrificed my own well-being I put myself in the line of danger you useless FBI agents soaking up taxpayers dollars can't even so much as have enough empathy or apathy to help me with the basic needs to sustain life like helping me with food or medical attention that I need but you certainly can make sure that

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