It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Life-sustaining amenities

I have been begging for months to be pulled to safety my life is in danger and I'm being stalked and harassed every minute of every day. My life is in danger and many of those people who agree to take my life have been stopped in one way or another however they're still in the streets which means that I'm still in danger. I shouldn't be homeless at all I was put out here by Chief McManus mayor Ron nirenberg Julian Castro and Joaquin Castro. Many dirty police officers help to put me on the street and keep me on the streets acting stupid and breaking numerous laws. Many of these police officers are still doing this and they have not been brought to Justice. I am still on the streets on the able to bathe eat find shelter I've been awake all night so that I can record and document all of the harassing and stalking that I experience throughout the night I have no money I have nowhere to go and that means I will not sleep which is very painful if you've ever done it I think we all have. I should not be on the streets the only reason that I was out here is so they could conduct an investigation they've gone above and beyond with my suffrage so they can watch Barack Obama Hillary Clinton the Castro brothers and every city official torture me. I am still in danger and I don't have any life-sustaining basic needs being met. I have no way to defend myself or to feed clothe and shelter myself. Joaquin Castro had criminals steal my identity all my social security cards and birth certificates when I do get a job he calls my employers and manipulates my job. I have been raped sexually assaulted physically assaulted verbally assaulted I constantly have people coming at me and investigating agents are watching the communications in the instructions they're receiving from Barack Obama the Castro brothers and Hillary Clinton. The investigators including the brand new chief of police of San Antonio have a mountain of evidence against all of these dirty politicians and foreign agents. So why am I still in the streets starving being drugged and physically attacked? Maybe all of you would like to call our brand new chief of police of San Antonio Texas and ask him why I'm still in the streets. Does it look like he's doing a better job than McManus had done? if he was doing a better job than I wouldn't be out here suffering would I and if it happened to me it could happen to you. You should all be very concerned that this man doesn't seem to have any empathy or concern for my safety or well-being and that's exactly what app is police chief it's supposed to be concerned with. The entire reason these officers most expecially the police chief have a job is to maintain the safety and well-being of the residents of the city. I happen to be one of the residents of the city and they don't seem to give a care in the world about whether or not I die or I suffer there are worse things than death in this world and what I'm suffering through in the torture that I'm with standing is much worse than death

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