It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Xi Jinping Chinese spies and a fake trade war --pretending that he doesn't get along with China

Good job President Trump you had me fooled. I really thought we were going to have your help with all the Chinese spies here in San Antonio and me especially being that they are stalking and harassing me. I think I am most upset about China than any of the foreign agents that here in San Antonio preparing to attacking our country and over throw our government destroying our constitution in the process. 
OK so does everyone remember how we were lead to believe that Barack Obama and Putin don't get along? You hear everybody say it and you see pictures of Obama yelling at Putin right? It's all fake they are pals. Very close they were putting on a show and gas lighting the entire nation. DID IT WORK DID YOU BELIEVE IT? I did!!
So this tactic and gas lighting game is being repeated. We all have heard President Trump say the possibility of war with China still exists and he says he does not get along with 
Xi Jinping. 
Well all this is a lie and Trump and Xi Jinping have actually been allies for many years. Just look at the bath house that is Chinese spies being brought into the US and Trump was helping to make that happen years ago. So all of us think they do not get along and he is going to put tariffs in place and tax China actually it is all a smoke screen. 
I have become quite a Connoisseur of gas lighting I had to endure it in my marriage and now it is being used on me by all these politicians as some sort of torture. They were all hoping that it would ruin my character and I would not be able to testify against them. Well they ALL failed miserably and I will be testifying against them all. I am very sorry to all the Americans that love Obama I once dd too but the man you fell in love with does not exit he was make believe. He was a generated man generated by Putin, Obama and many other sociopathic minds with skills in the Art of War. 
 I know you have probably already read it and you can go see it for yourself how Trump was making nice with Chinese years ago. Look at how China is taking over so many countries has they build their silk road.

 The two biggest gas lighters of all. How sweet they are the trader to her nation and the international spy. Both of whom are trying to cause my death by sending criminals and poisoning all my food and drink. Such great pals that are doing everything in their power to destroy Trump at the same time they destroy our constitution.
 See how Trump is announcing he is having second thoughts? He was never really going to do it to begin with. It was fake. He is allowing Boris Johnson to get credit for changing his mind and curving the potential war. Boris Johnson is also an international spy and he is attacking his country showing loyalty to China and Russia. It is a new world order and Russia and China want world domination only the two super powers. Are we going to let this happen?
 I remember when I found out about Boris Johnson, one the first things I said was "Does the Queen know?" Silly me of course the Queen knows she knows everything. I am at the back of the dog sleigh I am one of the last to know these thing. So when the time is right he will be apprehended and the Queen will deal with him and all the traders that he pulled out of hiding to help him. See how strategic all the nations are being? Together we pluck the spies like weeds.

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